freckleface2113 t1_jcn22a4 wrote
Reply to Looking for car dealership recommendations by alidte
Stamford Toyota was absolutely horrible when I was shopping in February 2022, and Greenwich wasn't much better so I'd avoid either of those
freckleface2113 t1_jc34aj2 wrote
Reply to comment by pizzainquiry in need tips for making friends, dating in person vs apps <3 ty by GrassKey3078
I definitely would! I'm there multiple times a week. I'm actually a work study there so I work at the front desk in exchange for classes. I'm happy to answer any questions about the schedule!
freckleface2113 t1_jbto949 wrote
Reply to comment by HotPast68 in Book store / Jazz club??? by Careless_Whisper10
Barrett's bookstore is in Darien! It's independently owned
freckleface2113 t1_jbpqjnd wrote
If you didn't like Beta, you could try the Stamford running club. My boyfriend and friend both like running in it. I think it's paused for cold weather right now?
There's a good aerial studio in Stamford, Empowered Aerial Fitness. I go there a few times a week and have met a nice group of young women.
There's also a crafty discord chat from this subreddit for people who like to needlepoint, sew, etc.
freckleface2113 t1_j9q7zhs wrote
Reply to Crafty Ladies in Stamford by orange_traveler
Hello! I needlepoint and occasionally sew! I'm 29F in Stamford! Shoot me a PM :)
freckleface2113 t1_j9pg7cy wrote
Reply to Moving to Connecticut by Zingerella1337
As many others have said I'd look at South Norwalk or Downtown Stamford. I'd avoid Bridgeport personally, although it may be more affordable.
As for the weather, it's beautiful in the spring and summer. The fall can be nice, but yeah, the winters suck. It's cold and dark. But people from New England/the Northeast just kind of deal with that. There are fun seasonal things in winter to brighten your mood, but I definitely feel you on the seasonal depression part.
freckleface2113 t1_j7xn3oc wrote
Reply to Seeking Healthcare Recommendations by doggyloggy100
I like Dental Care of Stamford! I'd avoid Newfield Dental of Stamford.
freckleface2113 t1_j6od7e5 wrote
Reply to Ways to meet people? by wastetheafterlife
Beta climbing gym is pretty social! They have a women's climbing night the first Monday of every month (although a lot of people go weekly!)
Empowered Aerial Fitness is pretty social too! They're have pole dancing, aerial hoop, and aerial hammock. I've met some really nice people there!
freckleface2113 t1_j5k8n6h wrote
Reply to Stamford Schools by Marshforce
I think your experience with the public or private schools will change largely on your child and your level of involvement in their education.
For example: I'm one of three and we all went to private schools in the area for high school (except the youngest who got home schooled the last two years). I didn't like private school socially because it was too small but I do think it gave me a step up academically when I got to college. My middle sibling needed more individual attention so private school was the best option for him. My youngest sibling got bullied pretty badly (they're trans) and so then got homeschooled. They thought about public school for the last two years, but decided against it and instead they were tutored through an online high school curriculum.
The three of us are quite different and I think I probably would've liked public school better and made more friends, but my younger siblings probably needed private school.
freckleface2113 t1_j5k7cqe wrote
Reply to comment by yelllaH in Best nightlife bars for mid 20 year olds in downtown Stamford? by yelllaH
I'll go against the grain and say steer clear of Towne Parlor! The food is good for dinner but it's miserable as a bar. The set up isn't conducive to good dancing and the DJs don't typically play bad remixes non-stop.
freckleface2113 t1_j5ctzf1 wrote
Reply to comment by yelllaH in Looking for a dentist 😁 by yelllaH
Over a decade ago I went to Case & Evans (but I don't remember which one). They did a very good job!
freckleface2113 t1_j1zcasa wrote
Reply to comment by trin2424 in Should I move to Stamford right out of college? by trin2424
I'd pick Boston over Stamford. Yes, Boston is more expensive, but it's a much cooler city. Stamford doesn't have good public transportation and the night life scene is...well pretty shit to be honest. Boston has public transportation and since it's a bigger city has a better variety of things to do.
freckleface2113 t1_j1z4u36 wrote
Reply to comment by martinisk in Expat family moving to Stamford, CT by martinisk
There's no guarantee that your kids will be accepted into the magnet schools.
New Canaan and Darien have better schools and have train stations that can get you into NYC. However, they're more expensive. But are probably worth looking at for the sake of your kid's education.
freckleface2113 t1_izm5yt0 wrote
A higher end cocktail bar for late 20's to mid 30's crowd. Towne Parlor and Hudson Social just don't cut it.
Edit: cutting it in terms of night life I mean
freckleface2113 t1_ishwpoc wrote
Reply to Where can I meet friends? by InvestmentThat3924
If you're interested:
Beta climbing gym does a women's night on Monday night
Empowered Aerial Fitness does pole dancing, aerial hammocks, aerial hoop, etc. There are a lot of women our age and new to the area too!
freckleface2113 t1_jcy1n5l wrote
Reply to comment by GrassKey3078 in need tips for making friends, dating in person vs apps <3 ty by GrassKey3078
I think it's a decent mix of men and women. I have a good girl friend who goes semi frequently too. (Not recently as she's marathon training)
He hasn't been since the fall, so I'm not sure what it's like right now.