
freediverx01 t1_j1duhko wrote

Your battery is old and worn out. iOS is throttling performance to maintain stability. If they didn’t do that, your phone would be shutting down randomly. Get a new battery.


freediverx01 t1_j06nvvi wrote

Why does everyone keep missing my central point which is that Iran held democratic elections, and elected their own leader only for the CIA to come in and overthrow him because he was a threat to American oil companies. And that’s what led to the subsequent revolution by Muslim clerics who rule the country with an iron fist today.


freediverx01 t1_j06ly5n wrote

Have you seen photos of Iran before the Shah? They had a modern prosperous culture.

Iran democratically elected their own leader, only for the CIA to overthrow him in a matter of days to replace him with the Shah.

America doesn’t give a fuck about democracy. It only cares about preserving its power and corporate profits.