froggythefish t1_j45ajth wrote
No such thing
(This is a joke about the title)
froggythefish t1_j2c4awv wrote
Reply to comment by thinkitthrough83 in Question by Psychological_Wheel2
We won’t be able to clean sewage water way sooner than 1000 years. Cleaning sewage water requires infrastructure, infrastructure which as I see it, will be gone a lot sooner than 1000 years.
froggythefish t1_j2c1zrq wrote
Reply to Question by Psychological_Wheel2
We’re going to run out of clean water a lot sooner than 1000 years lmao
froggythefish t1_j1yjuxc wrote
Reply to comment by waamoandy in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
These were not “deleted from history”, it’s easily accessible, albeit unfortunate information.
froggythefish t1_j1yi48u wrote
Reply to comment by MaybeTheDoctor in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
How is it not the same league of lies?
As for fraud elections, why look at the US, and instead look at countries whom the US tried to overthrow the elections of. A perfect example is Chile and South Korea. Attempted examples include Cuba and Vietnam. Of course I could name, perhaps dozens of countries the US tried to influence the election results of. But you don’t really care.
froggythefish t1_j1yg5g3 wrote
Reply to comment by Inverted_Harlet in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
even petapixel reported on it. and petapixel is a image news site, they have nothing to do with politics. This is more real than your theories about secret soviet space failures or whatever.
froggythefish t1_j1yf995 wrote
Reply to comment by MaybeTheDoctor in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
froggythefish t1_j1yemsr wrote
Reply to comment by MaybeTheDoctor in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
Your example of rewriting history is cosmetic photoshop? Editing people out of pictures has been around for almost as long as pictures themselves.
froggythefish t1_j1ycmhi wrote
Reply to comment by MaybeTheDoctor in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
How has the USSR re-written history? You’re providing no examples
froggythefish t1_j1y9ib6 wrote
Reply to comment by MaybeTheDoctor in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
Of course there were failures, some of which were hidden from the public, the same way every other country hides their technology development from other countries. But I’m asking for a list, because you are saying the USSR hid technological development more than any other country, and I don’t know of many examples.
froggythefish t1_j1y8ien wrote
Reply to comment by SPYK3O in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
Private companies in China work just like private companies anywhere else, with the only difference being the Chinese government claims partial ownership of all companies. China does this to have the benefits of private companies, while still keeping them state property, so they cannot abuse their power.
froggythefish t1_j1y8dj3 wrote
Reply to comment by MaybeTheDoctor in Historic first launch of Chinese private methane-fueled rocket ends in failure by returnofjuju
If the failures were deleted from history, how are you sure they exist? Is there a list I can read, I’m curious.
froggythefish t1_j1kwwmg wrote
Reply to comment by rockmodenick in If big bounce happens, are we living same lives again and again? by EmbarrassedFriend693
This assumes freedom of will is real, and one’s choices are not 100% defined by reproducible chemical reactions.
froggythefish t1_j1ej3nr wrote
Reply to comment by DonConnection in NY lawmakers vote to raise their own salary by 29% by Unable-Ad3852
You forgot the /s
froggythefish t1_j1ckcg9 wrote
Reply to NYC schools shift COVID response: Goodbye, ‘Situation Room’ and letters to families about positive cases by Adept-Ad-1779
Covid doesn’t exist in schools if we just stop telling the parents about it
froggythefish t1_j16jza1 wrote
Reply to comment by restform in Leak Inspection Finds Hole in Russian Spacecraft Docked to ISS by darthatheos
Shiny government approved duct tape
froggythefish t1_j12g7xb wrote
Reply to comment by Smooth-Detail1799 in Two straphangers fatally struck by NYC train, cops say by im_coolest
>both ends of the platform
Hopefully, you’ll just have to guess, lmao
froggythefish t1_j0jb2hn wrote
Reply to comment by Germanicus-Giaus in Which Virus Is It This Time? New Yorkers Are Sick of Being Sick. by WVOQuineMegaFan
I’m glad you like your job! Unfortunately, most people do not think having their labor stolen from them 5-7 days per week is the best way to spend their time. But I’m glad you’re an exception!
Life is unfair, but not for me. I live perfectly fine. I’d like some basic human rights, like the right to healthcare and food and housing and what not, but despite the US lacking these seemingly basic things, I’m okay, and quite comfortable. Many people however, are not as fortunate.
Edit: also I hate cheetos and I’m insulted by your assumption I enjoy them. They leave too much residue on your hands. Gross.
froggythefish t1_j0jaidj wrote
Reply to comment by aaron_dos in Which Virus Is It This Time? New Yorkers Are Sick of Being Sick. by WVOQuineMegaFan
That’s a great question! There are a few answers. Firstly, we could make delivery workers exempt from said lockdown, or only allow people to leave to buy food. Secondly, we could have the government supply food, though of course the government fails to provide food even to the starving, so this is unlikely.
Third, and I think this is the best option, is a little known, quite futuristic technology known as “preservation”. Back in 1810, this neat little thing called “can food” was patented, where essentially, totally normal food is put in a metal container which is then sealed, and boiled to kill any viruses or bacteria. Then, when people need to eat, they open the can, and have perfectly edible food right there! It’s really neat. It’s so high tech, canned food from a ship wreck 100 years old, was still safe to eat!
froggythefish t1_j0j8ktv wrote
Reply to comment by Germanicus-Giaus in Which Virus Is It This Time? New Yorkers Are Sick of Being Sick. by WVOQuineMegaFan
You don’t think staying home, skipping work, and chilling out for a month, is comfortable?
froggythefish t1_j0j2uf1 wrote
New yorkers are sick of being sick. But also sick of wearing masks. And sick of getting shots. And sick of staying home. And sick of lockdowns. New yorkers could easily eliminate 90% of Covid cases with a month long complete lockdown/general strike, but the new yorkers would all whine about not being able to get Starbucks or something, so we stay sick.
If you don’t want to get sick, stay home. How many times do people have to tell new yorkers this. If you don’t want to get sick, stay home.
froggythefish t1_j0j1xwg wrote
Reply to comment by mmesich in What if a quantum computer could navigate a hypersonic missile?? by dcRoWdYh
Both perfect and awful until observed
froggythefish t1_j0in4vp wrote
Reply to comment by pbjames23 in What if a quantum computer could navigate a hypersonic missile?? by dcRoWdYh
What if a quantum computer could operate my microwave? Would it finally have no cold center?
froggythefish t1_iw5peqe wrote
Reply to 9th Ave redesign by MichaelRahmani
People need 26 feet to walk but only 6 feet to bike? Widen the bicycle lane, make driving more expensive to incentivize using it
froggythefish t1_j529hj4 wrote
Reply to Police need to crack down on people in Brooklyn not stopping at red lights by malefootlover1
Before the police can crack down on people not stopping at red lights, the police need to learn they’re actually not allowed to run red lights