
froggythefish t1_iu21y3q wrote

This article you sent is hilarious.

Ok so they start off immediately by saying basically that since Cuba is an outlier in infant mortality, and they are doing too well, they must be lying. They also say that it makes little sense Cuba can be so poor yet have such good healthcare, though they correct this statement later on. In another paragraph, they say that Cuba limiting car ownership artificially increases life expectancy by 1: lowering car crashes and 2: forcing people to exercise by biking or walking. how is that a bad thing lmfao. They go on to claim that since Cuba has a very high abortion rate, the infant mortality rate is artificially lowered by aborting even slightly risky births. This is silly. Cuba provided free safe abortions, that is why the abortion rate is so high. This article is just a bunch of strawmans and assumptions, trying to make a point that just isn’t there.


froggythefish t1_ityo6yf wrote

So essentially, you’re just denying statistics. The statistics show people actually living in Cuba, are doing just fine. Especially when compared to the poorer capitalist countries in South America and africa, constantly in civil war and extreme poverty. In most leftist ideologies, most people will live an average life, perhaps without many luxuries. In capitalism, some people will do very well, like in Europe or America, and others will be subject to total misery and suffering.

You seem to be very misguided in general but interested in the topic, so I suggest you read the book “the conquest of bread”. You won’t need to buy it, it’s available for free on the anarchist library. It has nothing to do with this conversation, but you sound like you might like it.


froggythefish t1_itymulq wrote

Look up the homelessness rate in Cuba, buddy (~0%). Then look up any other statistic, including life expectancy. Or home ownership rate, which is 90%. Cuba, statistically, is pretty close to the “leftist utopia”, and they got that far despite being a poor Caribbean country under an embargo. Education, healthcare, Cuba has many rich western nations beat. Imagine what they could do if the embargo was lifted?