fuck_all_you_people t1_jef9q9a wrote
Reply to LPT: If the accelerator gets stuck on your car, do not put the transmission in neutral, just apply the brakes. by MarkHirsbrunner
If your accelerator gets stuck immediately shift to neutral and DO NOT SHUT OFF THE VEHICLE until you are stopped.
Let your fucking engine blow if that's what's going to happen (it likely won't, it will just bounce off the rev limiter a shitload) and deal with it later, you are alive and didn't kill anyone.
fuck_all_you_people t1_jef9ams wrote
Reply to comment by MarkHirsbrunner in LPT: If the accelerator gets stuck on your car, do not put the transmission in neutral, just apply the brakes. by MarkHirsbrunner
This is a bad fucking take and you're speaking out of your ass for internet points. If you don't put the car in neutral it's going to take far longer to slow the car down. Also, brakes aren't intended to stop a car that is autonomously pushing through its powerband, you are going to fight it the whole way and it's going to take 5x the distance to stop if it does at all. And that's not taking into consideration how many peoples brake pads are borderline flat. Finally, what do you think the first thing is that people do when this happens? They stand on their fucking breaks because thats the natural response. Guess what? It doesnt do shit. Do you know how fast organic pads with unsloted rotors heat to fade when applied at full speed while fighting an engine?
Put the car in neutral and stop putting people in danger to try and save a buck in an emergency. I swear these LPTs are getting more and more dangerous, are you even old enough to drive?!
"Don't want to carry a bucket when you clean? Drink bleach and use your urine to remove stains"!
fuck_all_you_people t1_jef8lox wrote
Reply to comment by AbandonedSamurai in LPT: If the accelerator gets stuck on your car, do not put the transmission in neutral, just apply the brakes. by MarkHirsbrunner
No you can't usually while the car is in drive and if you've ever had your car run out of gas you know this is a horrible idea because you lose power steering and power brakes. When you use the key to shut the car off you get the added entertainment of trying to steer your car with a locked steering column.
Put the car in neutral and apply the brakes, dont shut the car off until it stops.
fuck_all_you_people t1_jdb1uqu wrote
Reply to LPT: If you need a document notarized, don't go to a law firm. Go on Kijiji or Craigslist and some lawyer will do it for $10. by fliegende_Scheisse
For $25 you can have it done online at home. I had to use it last week and someone across the country did it over webcam. Sworn statement and everything.
fuck_all_you_people t1_jc80mls wrote
4 did worse than 3 in psychology and world history, we are making a redneck 2.0
fuck_all_you_people t1_jae7tem wrote
Reply to How to prevent gear moving on bar? by stehilton94
Grind two flat spots opposite of each other (leave a lip at the end of the rod) and put an E clip on it.
fuck_all_you_people t1_jae766y wrote
Reply to Scientists unveil plan to create biocomputers powered by human brain cells - Now, scientists unveil a revolutionary path to drive computing forward: organoid intelligence, where lab-grown brain organoids act as biological hardware by Gari_305
Would this technically be life in the eyes of the anti-abortion crowd?
fuck_all_you_people t1_j9rimfp wrote
Reply to What happens to the education system when AI answers our thoughts on demand? by Workerhard62
We already have Google and people are dumber than ever. It's like if AI took over driving and people forgot how to drive.
fuck_all_you_people t1_j9qspe1 wrote
Reply to Companion robots to mitigate loneliness among older adults: "Most participants (68.7%) did not think an Artificial Companion robot would make them feel less lonely and felt somewhat-to-very uncomfortable (69.3%) with the idea of being allowed to believe that an artificial companion is human." by Gueulemer
Boomers reject technology, more on this bombshell story at 10.
fuck_all_you_people t1_j6kma6a wrote
Reply to comment by LegitimateAsk7824 in The internet has become essentially 5 giants sites all sharing screen shots of each other and not much else. by DominosFan4Life69
"If a monkey hoarded more bananas than it could eat, while most of the other monkeys starved, scientists would study that monkey to figure out what the heck was wrong with it. When humans do it, we put them on the cover of Forbes"
-Nathalie Robin Justice Gravel
fuck_all_you_people t1_j6k7mcj wrote
Reply to comment by mayormcskeeze in The internet has become essentially 5 giants sites all sharing screen shots of each other and not much else. by DominosFan4Life69
Fake sites created by other companies to fake rank best products and game the algorithm by putting their products first. Google should penalize people that game the spiders by making fake ratings websites and websites that explain basic shit and then refer [company x]
fuck_all_you_people t1_j6jrkx6 wrote
Reply to The internet has become essentially 5 giants sites all sharing screen shots of each other and not much else. by DominosFan4Life69
It inherited capitalisms blueprint once capitalism became heavily invested in it.
fuck_all_you_people t1_j6expy9 wrote
It's extremely hard to be promoted to a manager of a team you used to be a part of. You need to establish lines that shouldn't be crossed quickly and distance yourself from them outside of work for a bit until the power dynamic is established.
fuck_all_you_people t1_j2e9tul wrote
Reply to comment by ThePretzul in Website for HOA payments clearly states a $3.25 fee, but has been charging me 3.25%. Is this worth fighting over? by Melodic_Language_890
And then the property management company doubles my rent to the point that I have to move out because there are zero laws against it here. So now I'm stuck looking for another rental in my kids school district but now every time a rental company does a background check for a history of evictions they see I had a civil suit against my previous landlord so I can't find a new place to live in the 30 days I have to move.
No thanks. Not worth the $600 I'd get back from the bullshit fees.
fuck_all_you_people t1_j2e7vt5 wrote
Reply to comment by S_204 in Website for HOA payments clearly states a $3.25 fee, but has been charging me 3.25%. Is this worth fighting over? by Melodic_Language_890
No, electronic xfer from a checking account.
fuck_all_you_people t1_j2e45et wrote
Reply to comment by TinCupChallace in Website for HOA payments clearly states a $3.25 fee, but has been charging me 3.25%. Is this worth fighting over? by Melodic_Language_890
I already tried to take them to court because they failed to disclose an active cockroach infestation that I discovered the first day I moved in. Spent $400 on consulting fees for three different lawyers who all told me the same thing: in my state the property management companies basically write the laws and pay teams of lawyers to the extent that it would cost me far more to fight it
fuck_all_you_people t1_j2e28dc wrote
Reply to comment by OutlyingPlasma in Website for HOA payments clearly states a $3.25 fee, but has been charging me 3.25%. Is this worth fighting over? by Melodic_Language_890
My property management company charges a $50 rent processing fee every month like it takes teams of people to get my money electronically
fuck_all_you_people t1_j2atnai wrote
Reply to comment by Jaded_Prompt_15 in LPT: Assume everyone is armed by humvee911
I dont know if you have ever been out of the US but if you havent I would strongly encourage it. It really shows you how stupid a lot of our social norms are.
fuck_all_you_people t1_j2ak4h2 wrote
Reply to LPT: Assume everyone is armed by humvee911
Instead of assuming everyone is armed to keep yourself from being a stunted adult, identify that you need some serious personal growth because you are using a Boogeyman to prevent you from acting like a child.
If we choose to live in a society where everyone has to be armed in order to have freedom, then we have failed as a society and our freedom is a fallacy.
fuck_all_you_people t1_itl5udy wrote
Reply to LPT: wash your new clothes before wearing for first time. need not be with detergents but a simple light wash with water and very less detergents will be enough. you don't know who has tried them or where those were packed by deadpool3727
New clothes are also covered in chemicals to preserve them during transport. They have been known to be toxic and/or irritable to skin.
fuck_all_you_people t1_ir1ngk4 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Most_Superb in Global Agricultural Land Use v. Agricultural Production [OC] by rosetechnology
Borderlands 2 here we come
fuck_all_you_people t1_ir1kp5e wrote
Reply to comment by J_McJesky in Global Agricultural Land Use v. Agricultural Production [OC] by rosetechnology
Dustbowl Part II: Electric Bugaloo
fuck_all_you_people t1_ir11fzv wrote
I know this looks like more efficiency, but in my anecdotal experience with a thousand acre farm in Iowa there is more to it. They are beating the shit out of the ground and planting the crop rows closer together. Fertilizer and pesticide use is through the roof. Crop rotation is down in favor of corn, and corn is brutal to the ground. The dirt is light and flaky now, it doesnt look like you could plant anything in it without a heavy dose of fertilizer.
I fear some of this is short term gain for long-term pain rather than we are improving our farming effectiveness.
fuck_all_you_people t1_jefd9f2 wrote
Reply to comment by MarkHirsbrunner in LPT: If the accelerator gets stuck on your car, do not put the transmission in neutral, just apply the brakes. by MarkHirsbrunner
Dumbass, if your car is out of control you do not have the luxury of deciding when to stop it. Even if you think you are alone and can take 500+ feet to stop the car, you dont know that 500 feet is going to be indefinitely clear and you dont have the means to take emergency action because you are already in an emergency action. Suddenly someone pulls out and you just caused an accident that you could have prevented because you were listening to your inner voice tell you how smart you are. Hell, even the police expect you to control your vehicle and can ticket you otherwise. Youre selling morons on a moronic idea. If you google "How to stop a runaway car", 50000 results pop up saying to put it in neutral. Then we have /u/MarkHirsbrunner, with new info that he made up completely from his own asshole.
> And every brake system is rated to stop a car that it's at full throttle.
From the factory maybe, and thats not even taking into account the extended stopping time from literally fighting the vehicle trying as hard as it can to do otherwise. But sure, lets roll the dice and see how that 2004 Ford Taurus factory rating has held up through 20 years of commuting.
Lets also ignore the recent Toyota lawsuit where this exact thing was happening to new cars and people were unable to stop their vehicles by doing what you are describing to a "rated" braking system.