garry4321 t1_jaemhzx wrote
Reply to Our little foster guys can't contain themselves come meal time. Look at their excitement!! by WorthABean
"OOOOH dry bits of old rejected meat mixed with ash and wheat.... GIVE THAT TO MEEEEEE"
garry4321 t1_jael0lv wrote
Reply to 0vvv0 by sloppjockey_ert
garry4321 t1_jaek4ka wrote
Reply to "Censornip", Me, Acrylic paint, 2022 by rzalystar
If you say that its a man nipple, you dont need the NSFW tag.
garry4321 t1_j9qupv4 wrote
Reply to comment by restore_democracy in Herts police officer escapes sack after 'extreme porn' shared on WhatsApp by nimobo
Isnt that, you know... Illegal...
garry4321 t1_j9qdh2v wrote
Reply to Burnt out! by OgnjenPavkovicArt
Is it weird that I think it would be comfortable to have a hole like that to rest your arms in?
garry4321 t1_j9kknzh wrote
Reply to comment by Terrorfrodo in How and why does asphyxiation induce euphoria? by Ausoge
Youre REALLY kink shaming BDSM people arent you?
garry4321 t1_j9djlic wrote
Reply to comment by BUDDHAKHAN in UK calls on IOC to maintain Olympic ban on Russian and Belarusian athletes by rejs7
Its almost like the Olympics, Fifa, and all international sports competitions are just a for profit bribery business.
garry4321 t1_j8tvu0e wrote
I think I win for the lowest level of fucks to give.
garry4321 t1_j8nhb1h wrote
Reply to comment by Criticism-Lazy in Study finds link between ‘free sugar’ intake and cardiovascular disease by YoanB
I Just did a study; IT FOUND THE SAME THING!!!
garry4321 t1_j8n0rue wrote
Reply to comment by RiverOfCheese in This Gorilla dad, oozing dad energy while he's relaxing by Ainsley-Sorsby
How wide tho
garry4321 t1_j8n0na9 wrote
Reply to comment by BenjamintheFox in This Gorilla dad, oozing dad energy while he's relaxing by Ainsley-Sorsby
You might want to go to the hospital, those pumps destroy your dick.
garry4321 t1_j8j5nei wrote
Reply to comment by marklondon66 in Michigan State cancels athletic events for 48 hours after campus shooting by PrincessBananas85
Well when its something as serious as *checks note* College Sports, you gotta get back to it!
Seriously, the US has an unhealthy attachment to youth/Y.A. sports.
Edit: sorry to upset the US folks. You are right, it IS more important than healthcare and education, MY BAD.
garry4321 t1_j8j4wih wrote
Reply to comment by IndianaGeoff in This Gorilla dad, oozing dad energy while he's relaxing by Ainsley-Sorsby
You would Gorilla spread too if you had a gorilla schlong between your legs at all times.
garry4321 t1_j8iw1h6 wrote
I always wonder what the young version of themselves would think if you showed them what they eventually become. Like would 20 year old RG see the nose wiping hair ink dripping conspiracist version of himself and be like "Cant wait to grow into that!"
garry4321 t1_j8ihs98 wrote
Reply to [image] The happiness equation by crm_expert
Thats very "external locus of control" thinking which is known to make people miserable in life. Change reality to meet your expectations, you DO have the power.
garry4321 t1_j8exa12 wrote
Reply to Would an arcology be conceivably possible? by peregrinkm
I think it would need its own fuel source as sunlight would be resources coming into the system.
garry4321 t1_j8enukd wrote
Reply to comment by AdTechnical8967 in What do bacteria living in mechanical ventilation feed on ? by malahchi
What if I told you, you were MOSTLY bacteria (in terms of cell numbers)?
garry4321 t1_j8eak6z wrote
They have come out with these modular laptops and phones like a million times. There are a ton of reasons why they suck and wont ever reach production.
garry4321 t1_j8e842m wrote
Reply to [Image] Health is wealth. Once you lose it, then you realize how true the saying is by crm_expert
No offence, but this is the stupidest fucking "motivational poster" I've seen.
All the zeros mean that this person is unemployed, has no money, has no family and no dreams. So sure, health is all they have left. Kinda seems like their life is shit to be honest, and probably want that 1 to be a 0.
So, everyone else who has any of those things, would have more than 0, and thus take away health and there is still a number. Therefore by this posters own logic, you can be completely fine without your health if you still have any of the other things. Hell, just having a job gives you a number that beats having both money and a family?
What the fuck is this garbage?
garry4321 t1_j87fv5f wrote
Reply to comment by Masonjaruniversity in Executioner (oc) by Juusto-Jones
I was thinking more:
garry4321 t1_j87fu1r wrote
garry4321 t1_j7zlqno wrote
So youre saying I SHOULD turn into my raging alcoholic abusive father. GOT IT!
garry4321 t1_j7gz56g wrote
Reply to Right whale off southern U.S. freed from Canadian lobster fishing gear by NotEnoughDriftwood
I feel like this sub is a bunch of depressing news with neutral endings.
garry4321 t1_j6z01kd wrote
Reply to Burlap Friend! [OC] by Magmarok
garry4321 t1_jaeo6nq wrote
Reply to comment by cabose7 in As AI Comes Into Focus With Rise Of ChatGPT, WGA Seeks To Protect Writers From Robots by Neo2199
DAN certainly can write a compelling story. ChatGPT is just really self limiting.