garry4321 t1_ivud9n1 wrote
Reply to LG's latest display can be stretched by 20 percent. The 12-inch full-color display can be stretched to 14 inches. by Sariel007
I dont get why they keep making these things when I dont see the demand.
"New display designed to be 30% goopier"
"New phone can bounce 30 percent higher"
garry4321 t1_ivu2hkr wrote
Reply to comment by missinglinknz in Can post-quantum encryption save the internet? by gregnoone
HNDL is literally another reason people need to stop putting their personal shit out into the internet.
garry4321 t1_iuyily0 wrote
For almost any mammal the rule is number of nipples/2 = average amount of kin/birth, with # of total nipples being the average maximum per birth minus rare outliers. Therefore just like humans, the average birth is 1 child with max generally being 2 (triplets extremely uncommon)
garry4321 t1_ivvp20z wrote
Reply to comment by Foxsayy in LG's latest display can be stretched by 20 percent. The 12-inch full-color display can be stretched to 14 inches. by Sariel007
That’s not true at all. People invent bullshit stuff all the time that flops and has zero future use.