
garry4321 t1_iyeed8d wrote

That was a super publicized forum where Apple was basically given a golden opportunity to publicize that they werent going to share data. The risk with the FBI/law enforcement was nothing compared to the publicity and "trust" they could milk out of the situation.

If you think they are going to put one ounce of their ass on the line to protect you or not secretly use your data for their own goals, you are mistaken


garry4321 t1_iy292qf wrote

The grocery store making record profits off of price increases, promises that if you buy THEIR generic brand, they wont gouge you as hard. Both profiting and trying to cut out the competition. When you are the store and a direct substitution provider, you control the price game.


garry4321 t1_iy1vzff wrote

Ok so not AI. Just prebuilds (like we have now), but when you come to the village, one of the villagers has a block in his hands pretending he’s building it. You walk out of render distance for a second, come back , and there is a castle plopped down and the villager says “I did that”


garry4321 t1_ixzsrfy wrote

Im not saying it hasnt improved at all, I am saying that moore's law is dead, and the multiplication of processing power each year is less and less. Processors used to double in processing power roughly every 2 years.

You even prove my point. The 3770k was released in early 2012. The I9 13900k which is the TOP OF THE FUCKING LINE CPU was JUST released.

Over 10 years and the top of the line CPU is only 250% faster than a chip released back in 2012? We were still flying the space shuttle in 2012. Obama still was a president with black hair in 2012.

2.5x better CPU in over 10 years. NOT GREAT


garry4321 t1_ixzrlyb wrote

Thats my point. If you want AI robots always building while you are not there, the game has to render those chunks and simulate the AI building. Perhaps not graphically, but still has to process it exactly the same as if you were there. Otherwise the game just has to fake it and slap in a pre-built castle as if the AI built it, but then thats not AI at all, thats just slapping down pre-builds.


garry4321 t1_ixzqgox wrote

Why would it need to be rendered?

If the goal is that when you come back to the town, they just plop a pre-fab castle in the middle of the town, thats not AI is it? They have to simulate the villagers building in Realtime at all times. With infinite villages available, that means that the game is now simulating dozens to hundreds of AI's building across the map thus having to keep those areas rendered in memory.


garry4321 t1_ixwk3y4 wrote

Yes, but grape juice isn’t a drug that physically gets you high, so that’s quite a false equivalency to compare juice to a literal drug. Grape juice also doesn’t have scientific evidence of it interacting negatively with lots of mental illnesses.

What I’m saying is that the whole stoner culture of acting like weed is some cure-all and is 100% helpful and better for everyone to be doing; is just plain dangerous. It’s a drug, and like any drug it has negatives and DOES ruin lives. Maybe not as much as other drugs, but we need to stop pretending it’s a perfect substance.


garry4321 t1_ixwfzk2 wrote

I’m saying near future. Also, there are infinite villages, so each village you find now has to be rendered and simulated constantly in addition to your actions. Picture each villager as now being a separate instance of Minecraft running on your PC.

Also, referencing historic gains in computing ignores the current factual reality that the exponential growth of CPU power has stalled for the last 10+ years and we are getting smaller and smaller returns on investment into CPU power.


garry4321 t1_ixvcq00 wrote

They aren’t bad people, they are just pissing their lives away addicted to weed. Weed is helpful for some people, but saying that weed is the solution for everyone is dangerous and incorrect.

The fact that they need to smoke and will literally mould their days and activities around getting high is just sad. They would be doing so much better if they just quit and didn’t have to be high 24/7.

I say this as someone who smokes weed too. I’m sick of stoner culture and the whole “weed is the ultimate cure and has zero negatives” lie that stoner culture pushes. Weed is a drug like any other. Sure it may not be as physically dangerous, but it still can fuck up people’s lives.