garth_meringue t1_iui8mdm wrote
Reply to To those that have lived in Jersey City or Hoboken AND Queens or Brooklyn, which do you prefer and why? by seeyam14
comment("LUXURY HOUSING");
garth_meringue t1_iudthbt wrote
Reply to Where are all the bikes? by International_Pin262
I didn't know Pittsburgh was so civilized. Yes, your bike will be stolen sooner rather than later if you leave it locked up outside.
garth_meringue t1_itwkvcv wrote
Reply to What's the best egg sandwich in Hamilton Park? by rwltwo
What's the best in Hilltop?
garth_meringue t1_itnizj6 wrote
Reply to comment by ismyworkaccountok in Advanced Vehicle Maneuver at Bergen Square by RAWisROLLIE
There Will Be Honks
garth_meringue t1_itmvvdj wrote
Reply to Where to park to go to Manhattan by babybench
There's garages in Manhattan you can park in.
garth_meringue t1_itmbwbb wrote
The way it works around here is if you can get into a space before someone else you win, that's your space now and everyone else has to deal with it. Doesn't matter if it's in an oncoming traffic lane or whatever. The only thing holding you back is your own risk tolerance.
Same thing even if you're not in a car. If you're a pedestrian you have to get into the space of a crosswalk before the car does to win, they won't wait for you.
garth_meringue t1_ithdgcg wrote
Reply to Probably dumb question, but is it ethically okay to take picts of houses with cute/spooky/good decoration of Halloween theme? by EksXxx
It's ok. Just stay on the sidewalk, don't cross onto their property or linger too long.
garth_meringue t1_it4e6l5 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Deal Reached to Sell Jersey City’s Harborside Complex for $420 Million by mooseLimbsCatLicks
Before the pandemic and renovation there was some life with Piggyback bar, and there were active shops in that corridor, but they haven't really brought anything back yet. The other bar that had opened seems to be closed still too.
garth_meringue t1_it3kkb4 wrote
Reply to Deal Reached to Sell Jersey City’s Harborside Complex for $420 Million by mooseLimbsCatLicks
hopefully it will be less of a ghost town
garth_meringue t1_isd45u0 wrote
Reply to Professionals who hang pictures? by SkinnerRat
DIY, I believe in you. You can patch wall damage in the end.
garth_meringue t1_isbqbxv wrote
Reply to LUXURY LEAF BLOWERS by donnie_trampovic
This is a problem in every suburb. Only thing you can do is move to a city.
garth_meringue t1_irrpufu wrote
Reply to comment by mickyrow42 in About Hamilton Park stop signs by helloder27
Yes to that intersection, of course. Not so clear the rest of downtown is now overrun compared to before.
garth_meringue t1_irq2is6 wrote
Reply to comment by clade_nade in About Hamilton Park stop signs by helloder27
There's a traffic light just for the cross-walk near the Harborside light rail stop that has exactly this effect, and it's annoying as hell. The light is by default green all the time unless a pedestrian hits the button, and cars take it as an excuse to blow through regardless of pedestrians.
garth_meringue t1_irq230t wrote
Reply to comment by mickyrow42 in About Hamilton Park stop signs by helloder27
What happened to everyone wetting their diaper about the devil's artery causing extra traffic.
garth_meringue t1_irh0nf6 wrote
A lot comes down to luck either way. I think the main advantage is that if you have a benevolent lord of the land and you don't rock the boat, your rent won't get jacked up a crazy amount like a corporate building would do. If you like your apartment it'll be easier to stay in it longer.
garth_meringue t1_iqwxd1b wrote
Reply to comment by HElGHTS in Is there legal parking between these signs? by HElGHTS
No Parking to the left implies parking to the right is ok, but it doesn't explicitly say so, you still have to account for other factors. The second sign explicitly says there's no parking in that spot. There's no explicit contradiction, but of course it's suboptimal signage.
My guess is that it used to be a valid spot, as you pointed out with the paint, but they decided to push it back for safety/daylight reasons, and didn't bother pulling down the original sign closer to the intersection. You can go back in time to Nov 2020 on Google Street view to see this:,-74.051019,3a,75y,357.35h,70.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syDtDrOL-FG-XV7jRnhITaw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
garth_meringue t1_iqwa71g wrote
Reply to Is there legal parking between these signs? by HElGHTS
The signs aren't contradictory. I'd say No Parking still holds. Also the closer spot is probably within 25 feet of the crosswalk. YMMV.
garth_meringue t1_iupfjhw wrote
Reply to comment by kittyglitther in Scary experience with a homeless man asking for money in Newport mall. by Friendly_Listen6216
Never been a better time to be a wallet inspector.