
garth_meringue t1_itmbwbb wrote

The way it works around here is if you can get into a space before someone else you win, that's your space now and everyone else has to deal with it. Doesn't matter if it's in an oncoming traffic lane or whatever. The only thing holding you back is your own risk tolerance.

Same thing even if you're not in a car. If you're a pedestrian you have to get into the space of a crosswalk before the car does to win, they won't wait for you.


garth_meringue t1_irq2is6 wrote

There's a traffic light just for the cross-walk near the Harborside light rail stop that has exactly this effect, and it's annoying as hell. The light is by default green all the time unless a pedestrian hits the button, and cars take it as an excuse to blow through regardless of pedestrians.


garth_meringue t1_iqwxd1b wrote

No Parking to the left implies parking to the right is ok, but it doesn't explicitly say so, you still have to account for other factors. The second sign explicitly says there's no parking in that spot. There's no explicit contradiction, but of course it's suboptimal signage.

My guess is that it used to be a valid spot, as you pointed out with the paint, but they decided to push it back for safety/daylight reasons, and didn't bother pulling down the original sign closer to the intersection. You can go back in time to Nov 2020 on Google Street view to see this:,-74.051019,3a,75y,357.35h,70.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syDtDrOL-FG-XV7jRnhITaw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192