
gator_fl t1_j2afeoo wrote

Exactly! Just posted a few minutes ago what DC Planning and urban design folks know- Developers essentially got their way and built maximum profit condos/apts without thought to amenities. Even the BID was stacked with former real estate developers.

DC government didn't plan well and now they are trying to build new developments with long term objectives in mind.

Definitely not a family neighborhood. Can't even think of one playground or nice park to take a kid or dog or just have a picnic. Manhattan has better parks than MVT.


gator_fl t1_j2ae3r4 wrote

Those rowhomes north of NY Ave are not MVT.

OP posted about what they liked and asked for feedback. So not really an urban design discussion.

But if you want to discuss that...DC Planning got played by the real estate developers who built up MVT. Most of them from influential property owners/developers over generations who got their way and built specifically for maximizing revenue. How? cough Campaign finance cough planting their former employees into MVT BID cough greasing government players, etc.

Almost all of the apts/condos were supposed to be built not just for singles or DINKs. But developers got their way to make most bang for their bucks (it is America, big businesses get their wish).

It is what it is. Though DC loves getting resident tax/etc. revenues, they know density challenges a city in the long run).

You're right about.knowing not to move to noisey areas. Leasing agents love to give tours during quiet times for a reason.

Not hating on MVT. But DC government knows mistakes were made and notice new massive developments are being buit differently...not just for short term profits and tax revenues.


gator_fl t1_j2a6t0r wrote

True. But OP never mentioned price.

What I mean is that it's pretty much built for singles or couples w/o kids or maybe one kid. No rowhomes or SFH where you can have roommates, build equity until you can afford to have kids.

Speaking of price. I'm guessing that the price per sq ft is much higher there in all units. Met young professionals getting support from mom and dad to live in expensive units for great convenience, amenities, etc.

Also the, I love a raging party but not where I live (NIMBY ha ja).


gator_fl t1_j29qdix wrote

Nice and seems super convenient.

Downside is that there are virtually no rowhomes or single family homes and is very much a transient community. You may like apartment/condo canyons, but some like quieter streets, back and front yards with sunshine, gardens and not paper thin condo/apt walls.

No real hardware/department stores (Walmart is different).

Also no trees or real parks....just small parks without trees, fountains, etc. Got a dog? Good luck with those two small and nasty dog parks.

Also a neighborhood with high traffic and those drivers ain't slowing down.

Restaurants and bars there are expensive (Hello $12 cupcake and plain 'ole coffee at Baked and Wired) most are not full-scale restaurants and lack the character of a neighborhood restaurant. Where are the regulars , the neighborhood vibe (Even Chinatown, Penn Quarter lacks that)? Most importantly, liquor in a ketchup dispenser a la Dan's Cafe)?

Greet neighborhood, but essentially a pop-up neighborhood and the maybe 2 thousand more units coming next year gonna make things more dense. And if you have 3 kids...where you gonna live?


gator_fl t1_j202drs wrote

Your ANC Commissioner should know about it and hopefully they will talk to residents and if the don't comply, the landlord (if different) and also have a hotline to DPW and Dept of Health to send inspectors and fine them.

If not active commisioner, call 311 or use 311 app/site and keep record to make sure service request is handled.

DC spends millions on rodent abatement and even tracks rodent populations to stop infestation. Even have FAQs and videos:


gator_fl t1_iydo2yo wrote

Are you trying to slap him?

Most likely won't be seen in public due to security concerns and private credentialed events.

Check French Embassy news or just call them.


gator_fl t1_iy1jbp8 wrote

The National Institutes of Health is a government agency but it's pretty complex in nature in terms of who does work (US and Foreign employees/grantees/independents contractors, foreign and local for-profit or non-profit companies/entities/etc.). I'm guessing most require drug testing but not all; e.g. foriegn orgs that don't have to abide by U.S. mandates/laws might not require it).

Find what entity you will work for and look at their website or ask a future co-worker you trust.


gator_fl t1_iy0h4nq wrote

You can Google the company to see if Federally owned then check their website and job postings to see references to drug testing. Examples:

BTW, most orgs that do testing usually do it prior to start of work and say you are subject to testing at any time (which rarely happens if you don't act or smell like you do).

Can PM me the name and might know.

Example for Amtrak:

>All positions require pre-employment background check verification, a pre-employment drug screen and proof of full vaccination against COVID -19. Amtrak is committed to a safe workplace free of drugs and alcohol and performs pre-employment substance abuse testing.Nov 17, 2022


gator_fl t1_ixvjtta wrote

Hawaiian Punch and other brands have yellow colored fruit punch. All about the food coloring.

As do many other countries' brands.

Or maybe an Amazon delivery person was running late.


gator_fl t1_ixvj6ja wrote

I'm guessing no:

Inspection Report Form

Are electrical outlets, switches and fixtures in good repair and working properly? (2006 IPMC §605.1)

 Are the required number of electrical receptacles and light fixtures present? (2006 IPMC §605.2; §605.3)


gator_fl t1_ixqwnvi wrote

Good friends and respectful acquaintances don't expect favors that will inconvenience.

You don't own anybody favors. Got to make good excuses as to why you can't go outta your way.


gator_fl t1_ixe58ds wrote

Good points!

But it also is cultural. Cannot just say "make better bike transit options and they will come" or "get rid of so-and-so who blocks transit options".

DDoT and other agencies know that and are not investing in changing mindsets.

Hopefully a mindshift will take place. Orgs like WABA try but still hard to change peoples habits and opinions.

Until then, all these beautiful bike lanes and such will not be used by those who think it's silly to bike.


gator_fl t1_ixdjmmm wrote

RIP to Langenkamp and I'm a big supporter of buses/trains/bikes.

But the DC Fiscal Policy Center did analysis and its deceptiveto say "...biking is a transportation method for people of all income levels in DC".

>"When it comes to public transportation, whites more frequently take the Metro; blacks more frequently take the bus. Only 5,765 black of African American residents walked to work in 2015, compared to 29,000 whites. Only about 1,900 black or African American residents biked to work; this is one fifth the frequency among whites."


gator_fl t1_iwzd28o wrote

Practice the art of meditation and laugh it off with driver.

Trust me, escalating shit ain't the way.

You're not gonna change their horrible driving habits. Most will get even more pissed if you look at them and they are never to blame in their eyes.