geffe71 t1_ixqglri wrote
Reply to comment by HiHo-Silver in Oil to propane conversion by abraves528
Under the new ownership?
Grid stopped doing it years ago for one offs and the only time you can get it for free is if they are doing main/service replacement on the street.
If you are separated from the main, that’s even more money because they have to extend the main to in front of the house
geffe71 t1_ixqdfft wrote
Reply to comment by Magicon5 in Oil to propane conversion by abraves528
>>RI Energy will install the line for free up to your house.
No they wont, it’s a few grand. They stopped the free service line for conversion a while ago.
EDIT: going by the replies, apparently RI Energy reinstated free services for customers converting from oil to gas. As I said in another reply National Grid stopped that practice many years ago.
geffe71 t1_ixmj3hl wrote
Reply to comment by agenz899 in What’s up with the gas smell about a half mile before exit 127 on 90 going eastbound? by theon3leftbehind
Honestly, if it’s 1890-1918 cast iron (which it usually is) disturbing the pipe to make a repair on something that only has reads in the street will probably cause another leak. The state is already holding the utilities feet to the fire on replacing cast iron and even more so after the state got its pee pee slapped by the feds after Merrimack Valley.
Monitoring less hazardous leaks instead of putting on a bandaid and opening a can of worms seems to be the more prudent option.
geffe71 t1_ixmd5yy wrote
Reply to comment by EriK-The-Green in What’s up with the gas smell about a half mile before exit 127 on 90 going eastbound? by theon3leftbehind
You do realize it’s cheaper to triage and replace when scheduled than keep putting bandaids until then. Every time the street is opened up it costs money
No use opening up the street for a grade 3 when a Grade 2 or 2a takes precedent. Mose nuisance leaks are grade 3s anyway and are fixed according to migration area. Bigger migration area means it get priority over smaller migration area.
The leaks are getting fixed, but the higher priority ones are getting done first.
geffe71 t1_ixmcfqg wrote
Reply to What’s up with the gas smell about a half mile before exit 127 on 90 going eastbound? by theon3leftbehind
Probably a leak on a pipe on the overpass.
Good luck with that. MASSDOT has to work with the utility to fix that, or MBTA if it’s over the tracks. Took a while to fix a leak in the middle of Mass Ave and Boylston next to Berklee because every utility and the MBTA stuff run under that intersection
geffe71 t1_ixmbe7f wrote
Reply to Moving to Boston with my son soon and want to take him to his very first game, between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel has the most family-friendly atmosphere? by Indecisive_kangaroo
Celtics would be nice but it can get rowdy and Sox you’d have to take out a second mortgage to pay for tickets
geffe71 t1_ixmb3hs wrote
Reply to comment by ElegantSheepherder in Moving to Boston with my son soon and want to take him to his very first game, between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel has the most family-friendly atmosphere? by Indecisive_kangaroo
Fuck the WooSox and Larry Lucchino
geffe71 t1_ixmb1qz wrote
Reply to comment by Equivalent_Metal_534 in Moving to Boston with my son soon and want to take him to his very first game, between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel has the most family-friendly atmosphere? by Indecisive_kangaroo
Obligatory Fuck the WooSox and Larry Lucchino
I miss the Pawsox
geffe71 t1_ixmajzi wrote
Reply to comment by 75footubi in Moving to Boston with my son soon and want to take him to his very first game, between the Bruins, the Celtics, and the Sox, which do you feel has the most family-friendly atmosphere? by Indecisive_kangaroo
Seconded. And it’s cheaper than 2 tickets at Fenway
I’m serious. Had a math teacher who told us he would watch the Sox/Orioles at Camden because between the transportation/accommodations/great seats it was cheaper
geffe71 t1_ixhmi2f wrote
Bristol Toyota has treated me very well
Bob Mederios sold my father his Tacoma and me my RAV4
geffe71 t1_ix62nbl wrote
Reply to Lowest Number License Plate by SweatyCockroach8212
What’s wrong with the sailboat plate?
I have a sailboat plate. Gotta keep the lineage of the low number plates
geffe71 t1_ix61ym6 wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in Lowest Number License Plate by SweatyCockroach8212
They do. I got a bill for a toll on the GW in NY and it was a commercial plate where mine was a combination. Called EZ pass and disputed it. My car could barely make it to Boston never mind NYC
geffe71 t1_iwqords wrote
Reply to comment by Maxpowr9 in Road Conditions in Massachusetts are horrendous. by ultimate_bulter
Also ME and NH are constantly redoing the roads even though they don’t need to be
geffe71 t1_iwn12yc wrote
Reply to Why 95 exit changes? by MadLove1348
Federal mandate. Easier to call in an exit number based on mile marker in an emergency
Also, if they were to add exits, they don’t need to fuck with the existing exit numbers
Example: Old exit 15 and 16 are miles apart, now they are exits 37 and 47. If they add an exit its based on miles so it could be exit 42 instead of fucking with the lower numbers
geffe71 t1_iwjg9zy wrote
Reply to comment by Dr-Stink-Stank in Rhode Island FC unveils club identity, colors, crest by gopa824
Apparently they are lightning bolts
Could have easily made them smaller and put them below the anchor instead of a part of it
geffe71 t1_ivfjhfw wrote
I agree.
geffe71 t1_ivepjt8 wrote
Water fountains are in parks and mall/hotel lobbies
geffe71 t1_iv6nkfz wrote
Reply to comment by therealDrA in Governor debate… A question by Subject_Ad_2919
She took credit for a bridge that doesn’t exist and her team refused to tell me where this imaginary bridge is
geffe71 t1_iv6nbk7 wrote
Reply to comment by Subject_Ad_2919 in Governor debate… A question by Subject_Ad_2919
Not wasted, shows that there are people that don’t agree with either major parties choice.
geffe71 t1_iv6li92 wrote
Reply to Any good Volvo mechanics in RI? by DaleCOUNTRY
I give Swedish Motors another vote
geffe71 t1_iuskvlp wrote
Reply to Rhode Island Comic Con 1st Timer by TheGambler930
I stopped going after year 3. This is the 10th anniversary and from what I’ve heard every year since is that nothing has changed. I know a few comic artists that refuse to go because of the way they were treated.
I have a bet going on how long it will take the fire marshal to shut it down this year
If you’re used to NYCC, you’ll be sorely disappointed
geffe71 t1_it51hui wrote
Reply to comment by Lock_Down_Charlie in I am interested in learning how to play the organ. Where in Rhode Island can I take lessons to learn how to play this musical instrument? by PinkSwallowLove
Rather have tulips on my organ than roses on my piano
geffe71 t1_iss74jx wrote
Reply to comment by degggendorf in My girlfriend is coming to visit RI for the first time in early November. She’s from Rural Georgia. by ReverendEnder
geffe71 t1_iryh0al wrote
Reply to Getting Paid Lunches in MA by stuartroelke
I get unpaid lunch, but I also work 8.5 hours so that 30 minute lunch brings me down to the 8
geffe71 t1_ixuka2o wrote
Reply to Who do you think has the best whole cooked chicken? by AbigailFlippinfloppn
Market Basket over BJs.
As for Market Basket’s, you need to look for the right one. If someone else in my family gets them they are usually dry, if I buy them they are juicy and flavorful. Sometimes the people making them have an off batch or an off day. It’s really hit or miss