geneb0322 t1_isjmt9o wrote
Reply to comment by FiveTicketRide in Suggestions for Purchasing Candy Apples? by theThirsty_Pretzel
I tend to cut up apples anyway... Had one too many buggy apples to be eating them out of hand anymore.
geneb0322 t1_isjc9xm wrote
I don't think I have ever met someone who actually likes candy apples. The theory is great and all but the execution is lacking. They're so difficult to eat.
geneb0322 t1_ir31e11 wrote
Reply to comment by Shanti304 in Is Early Entry (via the adjacent restaurant) into The National still a thing? by Shanti304
Everybody's got to eat.
geneb0322 t1_ir2pooi wrote
Reply to comment by dreww4546 in Is Early Entry (via the adjacent restaurant) into The National still a thing? by Shanti304
geneb0322 t1_it55phu wrote
Reply to Kitchen 64 is becoming a Brick House Diner by ExtremeHobo
Basic not bad food, but nothing special. So over crowded that it isn't worth going to.