
geneticswag t1_j49o81b wrote

There’s no rural life in New York City. The turning is the entire possibility of self sustainability into an advertisement / commercial. People make a life here and they don’t deserve their unique, organic ways put on blast by Condé Nast interns or junior editors searching for clicks to validate their existence.


geneticswag t1_j47frz8 wrote

Granparents aren’t here to slap them around for it. Same reason Trump convinced so many boomers to link up alongside literal Nazi’s - their dad’s who fought in the war couldn’t call them out on it. Or at least that’s how I feel.


geneticswag t1_j08ef34 wrote

Reply to comment by poteetjim in Really Maine? by poteetjim

“Really Maine?” That comes off like an exacerbated Karen who’s over Maine’s antics. If you’re new here (to Reddit) you missed a ton of the legislative drama surrounding vanity plates and discussions around it. Your ambiguous and catty post put you on the wrong side of that drama.