geneticswag t1_j4q7om0 wrote
Reply to comment by RealMainer in So true by Bigchungus-vore
good bot
geneticswag t1_j49o81b wrote
Reply to comment by EdSmelly in What I Eat as a 31-Year-Old Organic Farmer Making $30K in Newport, Maine by coogiwaves
There’s no rural life in New York City. The turning is the entire possibility of self sustainability into an advertisement / commercial. People make a life here and they don’t deserve their unique, organic ways put on blast by Condé Nast interns or junior editors searching for clicks to validate their existence.
geneticswag t1_j48e1fw wrote
Please, for the love of god, stop fetishizing the Maine rural life - it's going to destroy it
geneticswag t1_j47frz8 wrote
Reply to comment by Bunkerhillbilly in They failed to recognize the fact that the hero called Joshua chamberlain who turned the tide of the civil war is from the great state of Maine. We haven’t though. by ADHDrulez
Granparents aren’t here to slap them around for it. Same reason Trump convinced so many boomers to link up alongside literal Nazi’s - their dad’s who fought in the war couldn’t call them out on it. Or at least that’s how I feel.
geneticswag t1_j3t3pq6 wrote
Reply to comment by Gitzit in Shore fishing in Portland? by Gitzit
leave it to the shop you rent from
geneticswag t1_j3t11u8 wrote
Reply to comment by Gitzit in Shore fishing in Portland? by Gitzit
if productivity is important just bring your spinning gear - or better yet, rent it and save yourself the hassle
geneticswag t1_j37c5e6 wrote
Reply to comment by thebruns in Citibike price increases (today for everything except annual pass; 1/29 for annual) by photog679
welcome to america :/
geneticswag t1_j31sb4h wrote
Reply to comment by MathematicianGlum880 in $450 checks to help Mainers with heating costs expected to be sent starting in mid-January by wheresmycaketester
natural gas isn't any better
geneticswag t1_j114hiq wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Head-1493 in That entire thread was priceless. by critical_courtney
I use the old reddit extension, so on desktop I probably don't have the option because I browse like its still 2011. Maybe Apollo has the option.
geneticswag t1_j0z05we wrote
Reply to comment by Low-Head-1493 in That entire thread was priceless. by critical_courtney
how in the world did you embed a gif in thread
geneticswag t1_j08ef34 wrote
Reply to comment by poteetjim in Really Maine? by poteetjim
“Really Maine?” That comes off like an exacerbated Karen who’s over Maine’s antics. If you’re new here (to Reddit) you missed a ton of the legislative drama surrounding vanity plates and discussions around it. Your ambiguous and catty post put you on the wrong side of that drama.
geneticswag t1_iy1gp6v wrote
Reply to comment by CoastalSailing in NOAA be like by TheDeadPlant
geneticswag t1_ittq2lr wrote
Reply to comment by ike_tyson in Halloween costume by iv2892
like the ones you can see when you descend into lga
geneticswag t1_j4wxumt wrote
Reply to comment by 1-900OkFace in This may be considered an unpopular opinion but, Whoopie Pies made with shortening are gross. Cream cheese or butter is best. by Rootool