
geoemrick t1_izn1oz8 wrote

Imagine this:

Imagine you won $500 mil in the lottery.

You don’t do anything charitable with it. You selfishly spend $100 million on houses, mansions, whatever.

Because you “have plenty” and aren’t being charitable with your money, do you deserve to be stolen from?

First, let me cut to the chase: no.

If you say “yes,” the next question would be: who is the morality police? How much is it “okay” to be stolen from you?

If someone considers you “too well off” and wants to steal from you, why not someone with “only” $100 mil?

$50 mil?

$1 mil?




Where does it stop? Where are the “rules” about WHO it’s okay to steal from depending on how much they have and how moral they’ve been in their lives?

There is always someone who could look at you and see you as “having a lot,” and that person could use your argument to fuck up your whole life. It’s a slippery slope of “exceptions here, why not exceptions there.”

So the obvious answer is: no one should steal from anyone. Ever. It’s fair. It’s just. It’s right.

Your argument is the opposite. It’s wrong. It’s sick. It leads to violence, as I’ve said. Perpetuating breaking into something and stealing is advocating for pain and violence. Destruction. Suffering. That’s what you are advocating for.

Stealing=wrong is the simple, fair way to avoid pain and violence (not that there’s still not pain or violence, but if stealing were okay then there’s be A LOT more of it).


geoemrick t1_izmxyb8 wrote

You’re so pleasant. What an upstanding citizen.

And lastly, stealing is brutalizing. Taking shit that’s not yours is brutalizing someone. It’s violating. It’s a crime. It’s wrong. It’s disgusting. Deplorable.

You need to get help. You constantly insult and cuss me out when I simply state that you advocate violence (stealing is violence) against someone who has done no violence to you.

Talk about who the “shitstain” is.


geoemrick t1_izl6187 wrote


You like advocating brutalizing people, stealing from them, being a general POS by taking what's not yours. You have no decency and treat other humans like garbage while claiming your views are because you are against abuse.

You advocate for abuse. Stealing is wrong; it's not your shit. If you disagree with that company don't patronize them. Vote for a politicians that will tax corps more. Be an adult.

Don't deal with the world the same way a 5 year old would. Grow up.


geoemrick t1_izi4o93 wrote

Why don’t you go run a store that is losing money and tell me how long it stays open you incredibly amazingly talented savant human being who can keep stores that are losing money open.

And no, corporate does not bail out an indivisible store, corporate profits don’t save a store losing money. Simple as that.


geoemrick t1_izhzarh wrote

Lol you clueless dunce. Stores are closing locations all over the place due to this shit. You are in Support of regular Joe’s losing their jobs, just FYI.

It’s not this “we’re gonna stick it to the CEO’s” thing you think it is. The CEO’s will just close stores and continue paying themselves $50 mil per year. It’s the regular workers and community members who suffer from theft.


geoemrick t1_izhw144 wrote

Idiotic take. Don’t take what’s not yours, plain and simple. Someone suffers.

A lowly floor employee may suffer for goods going out the door on their shift. The store might close and now you don’t have a store in your neighborhood.

This “victimless theft” bullshit needs to stop. Be a decent human being and be against baseless stealing.


geoemrick t1_iu4z5hi wrote

My thing was walking into this one local record shop where I live and hearing stuff I really liked…..then asking the workers who it was.

I still listen to tons of artists I got into that way.

I still get into artists that way but not as much. It’s still happened occasionally at restaurants (asking the waiter what artist is playing or the modern version…Shazamming it).