ggroover97 OP t1_iu7823x wrote
Reply to comment by MsAlyssa in Tank Girl is ridiculous 90s fun and has Ice-T as a mutant kangaroo man by ggroover97
Surprised there was no No Doubt in the soundtrack
ggroover97 OP t1_iu6ukx8 wrote
Reply to comment by mrbrick in Tank Girl is ridiculous 90s fun and has Ice-T as a mutant kangaroo man by ggroover97
I know. It’s in my post.
ggroover97 OP t1_iu6rs52 wrote
I'm also thinking about who would direct a Tank Girl reboot. My mind immediately went to George Miller, but he already has Mad Max.
Here are some ideas:
- Sam Raimi (Evil Dead movies, Spider-Man movies, Doctor Strange 2, etc.)
- Tim Miller (Deadpool, Terminator: Dark Fate)
- Edgar Wright (Cornetto trilogy, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Baby Driver, etc.)
- Paul Verhoeven (RoboCop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, etc.)
ggroover97 OP t1_iy98tix wrote
Reply to comment by jelatinman in Showtime Entertainment President Jana Winograde Says “Belt Tightening Is Coming” by ggroover97
Master Chief's costume will be bought at Party City and all the guns will just be painted Nerf guns.