
t1_jdlx738 wrote

It's going to get complicated if you ever have a long-term relationship. No roommates or starting a family. I can't imagine wanting to bring someone else into that situation, but you'll have to come to terms with being single forever. Damn. I hope you are able to make many fulfilling friendships over your lifetime.


t1_jaml0ys wrote

Reply to Gone by

You should probably find a way to deal with that. Maybe that organization is hiring? I hope writing about it helps you work through it. Glad you survived.

Did they take the gun? I wonder if it had a serial number and what its history was.

Did they ever contact Levi or confiscate his new stovetop?


t1_j9p9brw wrote

Some people collect dice. They come in a wide variety of colors, including resin blends and different metals with a variety of fonts and designs, and sizes. I have boxes of dice. It's relatively normal for a player to have a bit of fun by matching dice sets to a character or campaign. The other thing I would point out is that someone rolling for addresses wouldn't need a giant bag of dice. Even if you are rolling for 20 different variables, you can do that with a pocketful of dice. They guy in the hobby shop was just as likely to be a collector. They can be expensive, but plenty of people splurge on hobbies or get carried away collecting all kinds of things.

Having said that, I get being worried for ones child, and the sense that the killer can choose anyone arbitrarily now does limit the feeling that you can strategise.

As far as suite A or B, all the killer would have to do is roll a d2 and have 1 stand for A and 2 stand for B.


t1_j8mrvbu wrote

I think the 'make an effort' comment makes him seem like a jerk, but the reason he's a toxic X is probably the threatening to eat parts of OP's husband.

OP probably should have had a talk about how there is something he should know about her before getting married. I've never been in a cross species relationship before (that I know of) but I would probably be upset about keeping secrets that big.


t1_j5l0a6p wrote

Reply to comment by in I hate the Loop by

The drums can be felt through vibration, and generally folks wheelchairs can make use of walking tracks, so long as they can reach them. The Loop is all inclusive. All are welcome. You should experience the joy of the Loop.


t1_j0ku2mb wrote

No one comes back from the dead right. It's done, let it be. Train the next one, best you can. You're in a war you did not volunteer for. Plenty of soldiers (who so often are barely adults), have to live with a mistake that cost lives. Doctors/medics of all kinds, police officers, counselors... All kinds of people trying to keep people alive have to reckon with loss and guilt when things go wrong.

I don't know if asking a question of Tall Ben can come to anything good. Think very carefully if you do go down that road. He's already shown you how bizarre his logic is, so I don't think he's capable of answering you in a way that will satisfy.

Maybe just toss some oat milk out the window for him.

Also, have you invested in anything iron to keep on your person, besides your pee?


t1_izj2fbt wrote

I'm sorry for the decidedly rough couple of days. Yikes.

Just wanted to mention that while Silence has some humanity she shouldn't be a danger to you, just make sure you know what a viper head looks like (kind of like an arrowhead, with cheeks much wider than where the head joins to the snake body). If her head is a similar width to her body where the head and body meet, she's very likely to be non-venomous. If she was small enough to fit in your pocket, she may be a ratsnake, racer, or smallish kingsnake.

Thank you for rescuing her. Don't let her talk you into overfeeding her. Overweight snakes die young. Look into a heat source for her that doesn't get hot enough to burn her if she falls asleep on/under it, and give her a water dish large and deep enough for her to soak her body in if she so chooses.


t1_iy9dja1 wrote

Markos literally eats people. So do all of them, with the exception of Eric. Human beings. Young children even. Eric and Calla were trained not to show emotion. Calla in particular was beaten savagely if she smiled, for instance. Their very survival depended on it. For Calla it still does.

Nathaniel loves Eric. His family has always disapproved of how tolerant he is about Eric. They all, especially his brother and Marcos, think Eric never should have been permitted to live. They train human pets, always girls before Eric, and kill (and eat!) all the ones that don't prove to be the very best. Eventually they breed them, to carry on thier lineage. I pray you aren't pregnant. The child would be claimed by them, age incredibly slowly, and have magic. You would very likely be killed. Pretty much a guarantee.

Think of them as slave owners, who think of humans as highly as we think of cattle. Nathaniel is like a cattle rancher family's son who chose to be a vegetarian. Markos played you big time. I'm sorry.


t1_ivcav7n wrote

I think the fact that you can't kill her is why they think she is dangerous. Also if there was video evidence and/or many witnesses seeing her grow an arm back, it would create a lot of attention. I'm guessing they don't want thier experiments exposes.