Watching just 17 minutes of YouTubers talking about their struggles with mental health drives down prejudice: perceptions of disorders declined with prejudice towards mental health falling by 8% and intergroup anxiety levels plummeting by 11% by giuliomagnifico t3_z3peu0 in science
Submitted by giuliomagnifico t3_z3oitt in gadgets
Researchers have found that lab mice are more likely to survive a flu infection if they are fed grain-based foods rather than processed food: after being infected with influenza, all of those fed the highly processed diet died, all the other have recovered
cell.comSubmitted by giuliomagnifico t3_z2vby0 in science
Survey on 12,000 secondary school-aged students (12-18Y) shows that although many adolescents are spending considerable time gaming (at least 3.5hours/day),it is not having a negative impact on the wellbeing and 44% of ‘heavy’ gamers reported higher wellbeing than those who play less or don’t play by giuliomagnifico t3_yzgcti in science
Submitted by giuliomagnifico t3_yvweup in technology
Researchers have developed new “intelligent compaction” technology, which integrates into a road roller and can assess in real-time the quality of road base compaction. Improved road construction can reduce potholes and maintenance costs, and lead to safer, more resilient roads by giuliomagnifico t3_yv9ckb in science
Scientists are paving the way for diabetes and cancer patients to forget needles and injections, and instead take pills to manage their conditions. They have created a chemical “tag” that can be added to these drugs, allowing them to enter blood circulation via the intestines
news.ucr.eduSubmitted by giuliomagnifico t3_ytdnui in science
Research shows that people in good physical shape are less likely to need a sleeping pill prescription. The beneficial effect of exercise is stronger for men, who have a 15% lower risk of needing drugs for troublesome sleep issues but also women can benefit from it
norwegianscitechnews.comSubmitted by giuliomagnifico t3_yt6ion in science
Autistic people are more vulnerable to depression and anxiety during pregnancy: around three times more likely than non-autistic parents to report having prenatal depression (9% of non-autistic parents and 24% of autistic parents) and anxiety (14% of non-autistic parents and 48% of autistic parents) by giuliomagnifico t3_yt4yne in science
Examining 100,000 crime-related posts from 14,000 Facebook pages maintained by U.S. law enforcement agencies between 2010 and 2019, researchers found that Facebook users are exposed to posts that overrepresent Black suspects by 25% relative to local arrest rates
law.stanford.eduSubmitted by giuliomagnifico t3_ynz2ey in science
Submitted by giuliomagnifico t3_ynp9s0 in technology
People smoke more when smoking cigarettes from larger size packs: according to new research on 252 participants, they smoked 1.3 fewer cigarettes per day or 7.6% fewer from packs of 20 cigarettes, compared with the packs of 25 cigarettes by giuliomagnifico t3_yn1xuq in science
Study found that people aged 18-30 and 65-85 with normal hearing—and hearing impairment—could all be trained to boost their ability to differentiate subtle changes in the speed, or “rate,” of sounds, improving the understanding speech in noisy environments
today.umd.eduSubmitted by giuliomagnifico t3_ymsy0g in science
giuliomagnifico OP t1_ixr6mv2 wrote
Reply to comment by blimpyway in Nighttime artificial outdoor lighting was associated with impaired glucose control and 28% higher increased diabetes risk, a cross-sectional study on ~100k people in China showed by giuliomagnifico
Yes, this study doesn’t say that the light is the cause but that “where there’s is more artificial light there’s more diabetes”, not that the light is the cause of the diabetes. There could be lots of connected causes as you said.