gladysk t1_jcwtezs wrote
Reply to comment by NnyIsSpooky in [Hockey] The University of Wisconsin has won the D1 women’s hockey national championship! by 941JJO
Who wants to tell u/TexasPoonTapah about Women’s Wrestling?
gladysk t1_jcwt5py wrote
Reply to comment by AnalBees2 in [Hockey] The University of Wisconsin has won the D1 women’s hockey national championship! by 941JJO
Me, too.
gladysk t1_jc53jz1 wrote
Reply to comment by sfarx in Athletics great Dick Fosbury dies aged 76 by d0mth0ma5
Yeah, thanks for sharing!
gladysk t1_jbfh9ej wrote
Stunning, thank you for sharing.
gladysk t1_j6pbk33 wrote
Reply to comment by Gord_Is_Good in 'Father of Peeps' marshmallow candies Bob Born dies at 98 by Castor_and_Pollux123
They are mighty delicious when super stale!
gladysk t1_j09idwt wrote
Reply to comment by DroDameron in Jim Thorpe councilmember concerned over roommate zoning ordinance which would prevent people from living with unrelated roommates by saintofhate
I just placed a hold on David Maraniss’ book, Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe. Have you read it?
gladysk t1_iwf2z0l wrote
Reply to comment by takoyaki_museum in To the random man by the children’s hospital bus stop who asked me to fuck off back to my country because that’s what Donald Trump would want me to do.. by stickittothe
I’m sorry for the idiots. I’m a former Pittsburgher, lived in countries in South America and the Middle East, never felt unwelcome. What do you by “the hard R”?
gladysk t1_ivw0ytk wrote
Reply to Reliable way to get to the airport at 4am? by LEPrecon24
Is it possible to stay at a hotel near that airport the night before your flight?
gladysk OP t1_iujq6sh wrote
Reply to comment by alevolent in LPT: Count the number of Trick or Treaters that come to your door. It’ll help with buying candy next year. My dad kept a tally for decades. Now my sibs and I do the same. Knowing we had 63 kids in 2021 helped to decide how many bags of candy to buy. by gladysk
I’d go for the three pound bag of Twizzlers. Instead, I bought Milk Duds, Skittles and Starbursts - candy I don’t care for.
gladysk OP t1_iuixzl8 wrote
Reply to comment by thetidybungalow in LPT: Count the number of Trick or Treaters that come to your door. It’ll help with buying candy next year. My dad kept a tally for decades. Now my sibs and I do the same. Knowing we had 63 kids in 2021 helped to decide how many bags of candy to buy. by gladysk
Where do you buy fortune cookies in bulk?
gladysk OP t1_iuix83p wrote
Reply to comment by Neat-Boysenberry5333 in LPT: Count the number of Trick or Treaters that come to your door. It’ll help with buying candy next year. My dad kept a tally for decades. Now my sibs and I do the same. Knowing we had 63 kids in 2021 helped to decide how many bags of candy to buy. by gladysk
Where do you live? I’m in the Chicago Suburbs.
gladysk OP t1_iuio9z1 wrote
Reply to comment by DoubleLigero85 in LPT: Count the number of Trick or Treaters that come to your door. It’ll help with buying candy next year. My dad kept a tally for decades. Now my sibs and I do the same. Knowing we had 63 kids in 2021 helped to decide how many bags of candy to buy. by gladysk
You are awesome!
gladysk OP t1_iui8xto wrote
Reply to comment by FathomDOT in LPT: Count the number of Trick or Treaters that come to your door. It’ll help with buying candy next year. My dad kept a tally for decades. Now my sibs and I do the same. Knowing we had 63 kids in 2021 helped to decide how many bags of candy to buy. by gladysk
I did too. But I love the spirit of Halloween; those last few stragglers will get handfuls of treats.
gladysk t1_iu9jeni wrote
Reply to comment by guino27 in Here you can see the root of the Rte 28 problem by guino27
I need to make time to read the Caro book. You may be interested in this CBS Sunday Morning segment about Ralph Fiennes playing Moses on Broadway.
gladysk OP t1_itjvad1 wrote
Reply to comment by Elouiseotter in Looking for a photo of Penn Bakery, located at 1234 Brighton Road, Northside, in the 1950s. Didn’t have any luck with Historic Pittsburgh or by gladysk
I’ll do that. Thanks
gladysk OP t1_itiq04z wrote
Reply to comment by Bayeuxtaps in Looking for a photo of Penn Bakery, located at 1234 Brighton Road, Northside, in the 1950s. Didn’t have any luck with Historic Pittsburgh or by gladysk
I’m in the Chicago suburbs.
gladysk t1_is0na8x wrote
Reply to comment by e_skee in Rocky Horror Picture Show by mikhailtf
Thanks, I haven’t lived in Pittsburgh since 1987. And couldn’t recall the name of the theater.
gladysk t1_irz3xw8 wrote
Reply to Rocky Horror Picture Show by mikhailtf
I saw it at a theater in Oakland in 1978. Probably not playing there now.
gladysk t1_jd1fqyf wrote
Reply to comment by Deathwatch72 in [Hockey] The University of Wisconsin has won the D1 women’s hockey national championship! by 941JJO
Wrasslin reminds me of something Granny on The Beverly Hillbillies would say.