glasssa251 t1_jdj25p7 wrote
Reply to comment by FinalIntern8888 in Just got a ticket / summons for PATH ticket evasion, what are my next steps ? by dedbutalive
Apparently it's a special colored light that goes off when you go through the turnstiles when you have a senior pass
glasssa251 t1_jdiakt9 wrote
Reply to comment by dedbutalive in Just got a ticket / summons for PATH ticket evasion, what are my next steps ? by dedbutalive
Is there contact info on the top of the ticket? You can call or email and ask for a copy
glasssa251 t1_jdhy40j wrote
Reply to Just got a ticket / summons for PATH ticket evasion, what are my next steps ? by dedbutalive
Something similar happened to me years ago. I accidentally grabbed my mom's unlimited card because we both had one, but hers had a senior discount and mine didn't. Got caught with it and was given a ticket with an option to fight it. I went in to fight the charges, and ended up having it dropped because the officer forgot to write on the ticket what I was being ticketed for. My advice, read the ticket thoroughly.
glasssa251 t1_jat8sf5 wrote
Don't sleep on Morristown as an option. Lots to do, easy commute to the city.
glasssa251 t1_ja7949j wrote
Toro Loco in South orange
glasssa251 t1_j9ab4jl wrote
Reply to What are my options if someone has been blocking my driveway for almost a full day? by Jersey-City-2468
Call your local precinct. They will have it towed. It's not douchey, they are the douche.
glasssa251 t1_iy3tvrh wrote
glasssa251 OP t1_iw0i2f4 wrote
Reply to comment by keepseeing444 in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
We have plenty of Asian staff in our buildings.
glasssa251 OP t1_iw0cc9k wrote
Reply to comment by Successful_Pen_2387 in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
I actually disagree, I think all districts should offer free pre-k. The studies that have been done show that pre-k has many benefits that kids can miss out on if parents can't afford tuition
glasssa251 OP t1_iw02et4 wrote
Reply to comment by leboeufie in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
I really feel for these kids because they truly want these programs. A kid approached me about trying to start a lacrosse team, and I don't even know how we could get the funding we'd need for that. I also used to work in a school where they had a student lounge they kept open until 6 pm for kids that needed a safe place to hang out after school. It was a pretty standard set up...pool table, couple of couches, vending machines, but it was something the kids needed and I wish we had it for our kids, too.
glasssa251 OP t1_ivzx6nv wrote
Reply to comment by spinaroundchinaman in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
Ugh don't get me started on that one...
glasssa251 OP t1_ivzupia wrote
Reply to comment by pitpatpit in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
Not at all unless you've got the money to fund the idea.
glasssa251 OP t1_ivzu56b wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
We have many Arabic, black, and latinx teachers in our schools. How does this not match student demographics?
glasssa251 OP t1_ivztsc5 wrote
Reply to comment by pitpatpit in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
Education-wise, I would love for the high schools to do a partnership with a vocational school so students can earn their associates degree while finishing high school. I would also like a stronger foreign language department (more languages offered than the standard of French and spanish). I also want to see more variety in sports and clubs for the kids.
Contract-wise, I would love for this district to offer paternity leave, as well as paid maternity leave. I also wish we had the ability to opt out of health benefits and/or make it cheaper to add a dependent.
glasssa251 OP t1_ivzqpsy wrote
Reply to comment by JcpaNYC in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
When it comes to parent involvement, you can only lead a horse to water. I have some parents who are incredible at communication and staying up to date on their child's performance in school, and some who can't be bothered to care. I can't force them to be involved.
glasssa251 OP t1_ivzo1lv wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
Because teachers can't afford jersey city housing on a jersey city teachers salary...
glasssa251 OP t1_ivzjyqb wrote
Reply to comment by oldnewspaperguy2 in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
To be fair, a good chunk of it is because we give standardized tests that are not designed with esl and sped students in mind. We give them accommodations, but there is no way they can pass. We then use these tests to measure student performance in the state, so we will always fall short compared to districts with smaller ESL populations
glasssa251 OP t1_ivzj2x7 wrote
Reply to comment by JcpaNYC in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
SGOs exist so that teachers can be assessed on student performance
glasssa251 OP t1_ivz6x6d wrote
Reply to comment by oldnewspaperguy2 in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
Many are leaving in droves for districts with better pay. I'd be one of them if I wasn't in the middle of fertility treatments and can't allow my health benefits to lapse. I love my students and coworkers, but the lack of cost of living raise is problematic. Inflation is a real problem
glasssa251 OP t1_ivz64nl wrote
Reply to comment by stillogic__ in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
So you speak for all the schools based on the experience of students in one school?
It is not abnormal for tap water to smell like chlorine since it is often treated with chemicals, that doesn't mean it's unsafe to drink. Plus, the school has no control over that. You can get a free water testing kit at home depot and test it if you're that concerned.
If a pipe is broken or something, of course they're going to turn off the water. What are they supposed to do, not fix these problems right away?
glasssa251 OP t1_ivz1ueo wrote
Reply to comment by stillogic__ in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
You want to be more specific? I work at ferris and mcnair, the water is fine at those schools.
glasssa251 OP t1_ivyzu8b wrote
Reply to comment by kimchikick in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
The water has been drinkable since we came back from covid
glasssa251 OP t1_ivyptz6 wrote
Reply to comment by Successful_Pen_2387 in jersey city public schools...what improvements do you want to see? by glasssa251
Unfortunately changes to the hiring process need to be made for this to happen. Qualified teachers don't want to work here because they would have to start at the first step with their salary, compared to districts that will match their salary to their experience.
glasssa251 t1_iu4jjei wrote
Reply to comment by BromioKalen in Please explain like I'm 5: JCBOE election ballot by Affectionate-Buy2539
You don't need to be an educator to be on the board of ed. You just need to know someone with money.
glasssa251 t1_jdsv7qw wrote
Reply to Drove through Downtown Plainfield the other day by Top_Ad5385
Used to teach at Plainfield High school. It's a wonderful community, very vibrant! Highly recommend eating at comedor latino