gman2391 t1_izhppud wrote
Reply to comment by NH-Kayaker in Lease car issues by NH-Kayaker
My wife test drove a compass a few years ago. What a pos. She ended up with a rav4 and its been a fantastic vehicle
gman2391 t1_izfe7nn wrote
Reply to comment by threepawsonesock in Lots of cheap houses for sale in Berlin NH. Is there a reason I don't want to live there? I can understand if no jobs (I can work remotely). Any other reasons? Also how is the rental market? I'm asking because there are inexpensive multi units for sale. by RedLeafRoy
Also you can take your sxs through the drive through!
gman2391 t1_iyxjbdr wrote
Reply to Liberty Utilities by svenGhoulie
I am a new customer so I had to call them to get my account number. I called in the morning and the wait was only 15 min which wasn't terrible. I have had no troubling logging in, but I have only had an account under the new system.
gman2391 t1_iykkbzm wrote
Reply to Airport and relocation questions by ZeBrownRanger
As long as you don't have to go to Logan during rush hour it shouldn't be too bad.
$400k is gonna be about the minimum to find a house south of concord these days. You should be able to find something decent in your price range
gman2391 t1_iyd2xs5 wrote
Reply to comment by RFausta in Dam controversy: After Bow pond drained, some residents hope to leave the future up to beavers by DethKnotWurst
There are house abutting the downstream wetland only a few hundred feet from the dam. Not saying they're at risk necessarily, but a dam suddenly letting go does have the potential to cause issues downstream.
My comment about people was intended to be primarily directed at the bridge and the immediate area though. The bridge and trail are used by a lot more than just snowmobilers.
gman2391 t1_iyd1tup wrote
Reply to comment by USA-cubicle-worker in Dam controversy: After Bow pond drained, some residents hope to leave the future up to beavers by DethKnotWurst
The club said they did, I have no reason to believe otherwise. They did share a name or 2 somewhere of the people they were in contact with but I don't feel like digging for it
gman2391 t1_iycz0qy wrote
Reply to comment by USA-cubicle-worker in Dam controversy: After Bow pond drained, some residents hope to leave the future up to beavers by DethKnotWurst
Pretty sure they did consult with f&g before doing anything
gman2391 t1_iycy8p0 wrote
Reply to comment by arthur_taff in Dam controversy: After Bow pond drained, some residents hope to leave the future up to beavers by DethKnotWurst
Probably because the bridge is located on a class vi town road. Relocating the bridge would be prohibitively expensive assuming another suitable location could even be found. From the pictures in the article, it is clear the dam had grown higher than the bridge and if it let go during a spring flood it could take out the bridge, part of the road, any people in the area and could cause other issues downstream. There are obviously 2 sides to every story
gman2391 t1_iya4gy2 wrote
Reply to comment by everythingsasandwich in Personalized license plates by Several_Acadia
Its been $40 for awhile now. Mass is $50 so really not much different
gman2391 t1_iy9jlam wrote
Reply to Personalized license plates by Several_Acadia
It used to be a lot cheaper to have a vanity plate in nh than mass. The price increased from $25/yr to $40/yr in 2010. Its $50/yr in mass for reference.
So it probably started out because it was relatively inexpensive and now it's a cultural thing
gman2391 t1_iy8jfhf wrote
I ran a bunch of diesel last year because Irving auto delivery sucks. I didn't mind too much since diesel at the pump was less expensive than what they were charging me for heating oil.
I just used gas cans. Nobody cared. Just don't forget you have diesel in them if you don't use it right away
gman2391 t1_itqaidu wrote
If you work in NH, you do not pay MA taxes. This includes remote work. If you sometimes work in MA, you only pay taxes for those days.
gman2391 t1_izqsqrb wrote
Reply to Potentially Moving to NH by fallenelf
This may be obvious but the closer you are to the highways(especially 93/293/Everett turnpike) the more expensive houses will be. Not sure what you're budget is but expect to pay at least $400k.
The further away from the highways you can get, and especially north of concord the prices will start to drop with some exceptions.
Whats more important to you, accessibility to the lakes and mountains or Boston?
You should be able to find some school rankings online to give you an idea of what's good or not