goatinthewater420 t1_j26gg6y wrote
Reply to Looking for LGBT and Women-Owned Contractors, Electricians, Painters, Plumbers, etc. by daphneWpolsce
What is wrong with you?
goatinthewater420 t1_ix74jtt wrote
Reply to Doing laundry in the north by The-Associate
Yup i live on the seacoast and this is what its like oct - april
goatinthewater420 t1_ishwoda wrote
goatinthewater420 OP t1_irp0rgk wrote
Reply to comment by mixolydian8 in Anyone know any cheap apartments near Hampton? by goatinthewater420
goatinthewater420 t1_irnxby5 wrote
Reply to Portsmouth naval shipyard by [deleted]
I went to community college with a guy that worked at the shipyard, he always drank energy drinks and looked exhausted
goatinthewater420 OP t1_irmkpuy wrote
Reply to comment by Additional-Health-48 in Anyone know any cheap apartments near Hampton? by goatinthewater420
goatinthewater420 t1_j30nxp9 wrote
Reply to NH blueberries need cold winters. Climate change threatens them. by rabblebowser
Liberals ruining nh