gooberhoover85 t1_j1m23m8 wrote
Reply to Best knife sharpener in RI by planeman125
Has anyone used Adler's on Wickendon?
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0hozr9 wrote
Reply to comment by huh_phd in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
That's really fucked up. I also can't stress enough how sensitive the cervix is. For someone to do that is the worst. Glad they are in jail. Hope your wife is doing better now.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ho96g wrote
Reply to comment by huh_phd in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Oh gosh, I'm really sorry she went through that. When I was in the Army I was SAed during a pap smear myself so my heart really goes out to your wife. Definitely a hard no to any gynecologic stuff there. Thanks for the heads up.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ho090 wrote
Reply to comment by Secret-Image-6607 in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
I'd love to be seen at Women's & Infants. I'll check that out. And I'm totally ok with being on a wait-list. The 6 months wait is kind of bonkers but I'm still going to check it out. Thanks!!
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0hnkkq wrote
Reply to comment by huh_phd in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Thanks, the reasonable amount of time part is key*.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0er2lz wrote
Reply to comment by LucidBewilderment in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Thanks! I actually got on a wait-list there. So I'm hoping when I call back they can get me in. I explained my health issue to them so they know it's kind of urgent for me and they seemed really nice.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0eoe5k wrote
Reply to comment by FlashbackBob in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ella2 wrote
Reply to comment by vololov in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
That's insane. My health honestly can't wait that long but I really appreciate you helping me set some realistic expectations. And I'm very sorry you had to go through that.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ejht5 wrote
Reply to comment by Double_Farmer_2662 in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ejfp4 wrote
Reply to comment by WeAreNotNowThatWhich in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Oh, got it. Either way it's on my research list. I have a toddler so when I responded it's totally possibly I got side tracked by dinner, bath time, and pajama party time 😂 all the same that is very useful.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0eckbf wrote
Reply to comment by TheHappyPhoenix in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Thanks for the tip. I'm making a list of all the places mentioned here and this is on the list now too.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0eci0b wrote
Reply to comment by WeAreNotNowThatWhich in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Awesome. I wish they all did that!
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ecg6s wrote
Reply to comment by Business-Impress4792 in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Thank you, I agree. I'm imagining it wasn't always like this. It's probably just rotten luck that I'm having to do this search now.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0eanfq wrote
Reply to comment by nbreadcrumb in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0e17v3 wrote
Reply to comment by Doctor_Quest in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
That's about how long it's been for me because of pregnancy and moving. It's great to hear how this worked out for you. I appreciate the recommendation. I will check it out.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0e0mmx wrote
Reply to comment by AmazingTast in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
I just spoke with someone on the phone and they were great. I have to get my previous doctor to send medical records but sounds like once that is done I can get an appointment. Seems reasonable to me. Thanks again.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0e0fma wrote
Reply to comment by Doctor_Quest in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
It sounds like a fancy name for farts but I'll Google it cause I'm desperate 😂
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dw6ad wrote
Reply to comment by ynwp in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
I saw you had another reply. It's not showing on Reddit but I have it in an email. Thanks for sharing. I will give them a call tomorrow and try my luck. Big thanks for the clarification.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dvijv wrote
Reply to comment by ynwp in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Sorry, when I Google 'CCAP Providence RI' I get Child Care Assistance Program. Not sure I am familiar with what CCAP is.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0drf2m wrote
Reply to comment by AmazingTast in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Oh good to know! Thanks again for sharing. First time I've felt optimistic all day about this.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dra1k wrote
Reply to comment by EtAvec in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
That's what several places told me to do but I find that really problematic. I think that would be my last resort but it's good to know if I get desperate. I'm starting to have medical issues and I can actually see it getting to a point that I need to go to the ER anyway. Thanks for sharing this info.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dqn34 wrote
Reply to comment by Business-Impress4792 in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
I actually have done this. I've called through 8+ pages of doctors listed as "PCP" and hunting down the correct numbers. I have BCBS too and their list of PCPs seems to be really out of date. It's killing me. I called BCBS and they sent me a PDF of the same list. Most of the numbers are wrong. I'm entering my zip code so maybe that's the problem. I'm surprised it worked so well for you. Possible we have different coverage so maybe that's it? We have BCBS through a company out of Boston.
gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dq6e6 wrote
Reply to comment by AmazingTast in Anyone know any PCPs taking new patients? by gooberhoover85
Awesome, thanks for sharing this info! I'm sorry you went through a similar experience. It's after 5pm so most places are calling but I'm giving this a shot tomorrow. Do you mind me asking how you've liked this place so far?
Submitted by gooberhoover85 t3_zmwymu in providence
gooberhoover85 t1_jb421dq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Night life by [deleted]
You don't have to be much of a dancer to go to salsa. A lot of times they have a free class beforehand where they teach people how to dance. Very non-threatening and lots of beginners and then you stay for music and drinks and can practice. It's really fun and salsa is not hard, the moves are very simple. Great way to meet people that isn't just drinking at a bar. And perfectly fine if you go alone and plenty of women to meet. It's a lot of fun.