
gooberhoover85 t1_iur5u6c wrote

I love my dog but she steps in her own pee every damn time. She also licks her butthole when we go to bed at night. I love my dog and she is very well behaved but she does not have a place in restaurants or grocery stores. This is not a living room. There are places these people can go- outdoor seating, dog park, regular park, Blackstone Blvd...or to their own living rooms.

And I'm inclined to agree- if everyone told them it's gross and to stop they probably would. They probably feel entitled or determined to do it because they think their dog is cute and they love it so much...regardless of any outcome for anyone else. The fact they've been asked not to and do it anyway is pretty telling.

I also think it says a lot about the establishment that they continue to serve these people and they haven't enforced their boundaries. It's their business and if they don't want to alienate other customers or to break health codes then they really should be forcing these people to leave. Losing their business is really a small price to pay considering how intrusive and disgusting they are.


gooberhoover85 t1_ir369ma wrote

I caved and turned it on to 64F...for my daughter who is a one year old. If it were just me I would be sticking this out and double layering my socks rn. But the toddler does not get this.