gopoohgo t1_j61a0nc wrote
Reply to comment by Initial_Run1632 in Best Upscale Restaurants in/around DC? by gatexcreeper
Great for the plant based (on our return dining list)
Not so great for a steak, though
gopoohgo t1_j4wszc8 wrote
Reply to Local farm to buy a cow? by truce_m3
We used Lovell Farms a couple of times up in Caroll County
Pickup was in Mount Airy. Reasonably priced, had options of ground, stew, roasts where we could mark accordingly.
We don't eat as much beef anymore, so dunno how practical it was.
gopoohgo t1_izbylgq wrote
Reply to comment by squeevey in End of an era as final Boeing 747 rolls off assembly line by maxxspeed
Korean Air 747-8's are still flying
gopoohgo t1_iu3y8la wrote
Reply to comment by ghombie in Shell paid zero windfall tax in UK despite record global profits by hugglenugget
Periods cost money 😤
gopoohgo t1_iu1qkzr wrote
Reply to comment by Talentless-Horton-T in Shell paid zero windfall tax in UK despite record global profits by hugglenugget
The oil majors lost billions the 1st half of 2020 and are only approaching break even.
Exxon still has ~$7 billion more in debt than pre pandemic.
gopoohgo t1_iu0c4b5 wrote
>The UK-headquartered oil company said it had not paid the levy and did not expect to throughout 2022, because its British corporate entity did not make any profits during the quarter, in part, because of heavy spending on drilling more oil in the North Sea.
>However, Sunak’s scheme also introduced extended tax breaks for investment in extraction in North Sea oilfields. For every £1 businesses spent in the North Sea, they could reduce their taxes by 91p. It also does not cover profits made from forecourts, from refining or from trading shipments of oil and gas – areas where the company has made huge sums this year.
Appears that the windfall tax pertains to income directly from UK operations and that profits from the UK division were offset by the tax incentive wrote in May 2022 that allowed companies to offset 91% of the cost of North Sea development.
gopoohgo t1_itlsblt wrote
Reply to comment by woopdedoodah in Penny Mordaunt pulls out of Tory leadership race, paving way for Rishi Sunak to become next PM | Politics News by FutureNytro
>As annoying as the British are, and as well documented as some of the abuses...the British are not this evil colonizing power you make them out to be.
Since I'm American, we disagree on the bolded point, tongue-in-cheek.
gopoohgo t1_itlhobl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Penny Mordaunt pulls out of Tory leadership race, paving way for Rishi Sunak to become next PM | Politics News by FutureNytro
>Why? Turned how?
Like how the UK invaded India, turned it into a colony and looted it's riches? And now you have someone of Indian descent (who is also rich af) as Prime Minister?
Oh how the turn tables, as the kids say nowadays.
gopoohgo t1_j63gqcd wrote
Reply to comment by gatexcreeper in Best Upscale Restaurants in/around DC? by gatexcreeper
The only non-plant based dish when we went was an oyster appetizer.
Everything else was plant based. It was absolutely delicious. We are going to check it out again when they change their menu with the seasons.
Non vegetarians btw.