gordonglover t1_iu42cfx wrote
Reply to Richmond's Bi-Weekly Restaurant Thread by Danger-Moose
I moved out to Short Pump and am trying the places near me. So far, Vinny's Pizza is solid for pizza. Chun Hing wasn't great. I am not sure the next restaurants we will try but I'm sure the list will grow.
gordonglover t1_iu41vm4 wrote
If you're hellbent on bringing the dog, then use this site - https://findapatio.com/
gordonglover t1_iu0uxow wrote
Reply to comment by ultrunr in hundreds of city employees gathered at the carrillon by vonarchimboldi
gordonglover t1_itzbt4n wrote
Reply to Weekend Event Thread by AutoModerator
Slash Bash at Shield N Sheath
Kickers Playoff Game
gordonglover t1_itwfnqy wrote
I'm guessing someone moved here from Baltimore.
gordonglover t1_ituhnvh wrote
Reply to Hope everyone is having a better Wednesdaily than the former police chief. What Halloween plans do you have? by big-heck-nah
Give out Candy. Drink while doing so.
gordonglover t1_itgjpjc wrote
Reply to Fence company by flipfloptj
Fence me in and decks too.
gordonglover t1_it7j1h2 wrote
Reply to comment by TheFakePlissken in Smoking weed at the National theater by [deleted]
I'm not telling OP to not smoke weed. I just want them to know it's still illegal. If they want to smoke weed in an indoor space, that's on them.
gordonglover t1_it7hiw0 wrote
Reply to Smoking weed at the National theater by [deleted]
Legally speaking, smoking in a public place is still illegal in Virginia. Smoking indoors (Where the air units are not separate) is illegal in Virginia.
gordonglover t1_it28ukx wrote
Reply to Birthday dinner recommendations by prizzabroy
Cobra Burger is walk-in
gordonglover t1_ir88eml wrote
Reply to Which Oktoberfest is best? by izbae
Richmond Oktoberfest is the best.
gordonglover t1_iu45dij wrote
Reply to comment by khuldrim in Richmond's Bi-Weekly Restaurant Thread by Danger-Moose
I love them! Been going to them since their food truck days!