goshdammitfromimgur t1_jazpnb6 wrote
Wash with oil, olive, canola, avocado what ever you have. Oil bonds with the capsaicin, then you wash the oil off with soap.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_ja6fxn6 wrote
Reply to comment by kevin_k in TIFU by giving away a seat that wasn’t mine. by tomfoolery77
If you book together by default you should sit together. Airlines splitting up.booking is the problem.
Sometimes they do it in breach of their own unaccompanied children policy. Anything for a buck, fuck them.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_ja6fo7c wrote
Reply to comment by alligatorriot in TIFU by giving away a seat that wasn’t mine. by tomfoolery77
What can happen is that people pay extra for specific seats and the airline splits up groups that have booked together to accommodate them. Sometimes this is in breach of the airlines own rules about unaccompanied minors.
This isn't necessarily the person booking the tickets fault.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_iy6wtvo wrote
Reply to comment by WarExciting in An old couple was sitting in Church... by Goatmanthealien
Old enoigh to piss fart, young enough to trust them.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_iwbhrjx wrote
Reply to comment by matrix20085 in How to shuck corn without leaving silk by Billybluejeans
I like the smoky flavour you get as the outer leaves of the husk char
goshdammitfromimgur t1_it1dexo wrote
Reply to comment by Comf_waters in TIFU by putting too much Vicks Vapobath in my tub. by InevitableMap6470
Oh yeah. Chubbyemu is a Dr that does videos on things like. "What happens to your body if you eat Tide Pods"
goshdammitfromimgur t1_it14fv4 wrote
Reply to comment by goshdammitfromimgur in TIFU by putting too much Vicks Vapobath in my tub. by InevitableMap6470
Ok. Going to take me a bit longer. I get the gist though.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_it14bve wrote
Reply to comment by Dude1stPriest in TIFU by putting too much Vicks Vapobath in my tub. by InevitableMap6470
Be right back googling chubbyemu
goshdammitfromimgur t1_ispz5vv wrote
Reply to comment by bluaqua in TIL that before the invention of regfrigeration in 1851, ice had to be imported to Australia from Boston, Massachusetts. The ice blocks travelled through the tropics inside ships insulated with timber, straw, peat, and sawdust by stumcm
I have always heard the justification was that the "Australian ute" was unibody and pick ups have a seperate tray. The 1927 Chev national roadster is unibody and was available as a coupe and four door sedan.
So that meets both our requirements for an "Australian ute" but built before the first one in Geelong.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_isnjipr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL that before the invention of regfrigeration in 1851, ice had to be imported to Australia from Boston, Massachusetts. The ice blocks travelled through the tropics inside ships insulated with timber, straw, peat, and sawdust by stumcm
I like the colour/color changing Coors labels.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_isnje5b wrote
Reply to comment by TacTurtle in TIL that before the invention of regfrigeration in 1851, ice had to be imported to Australia from Boston, Massachusetts. The ice blocks travelled through the tropics inside ships insulated with timber, straw, peat, and sawdust by stumcm
Always made me chuckle that Australia thinks they were the first when they were being made in the USA for about 10 years prior.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_is4jit0 wrote
Reply to comment by _qst2o91_ in National record for heaviest pumpkin crushed at annual Half Moon Bay weigh-off by citytiger
Nah. These are specifically grown for size. Can't eat them.
goshdammitfromimgur t1_jazppzw wrote
Reply to comment by Setthegodofchaos in TIFU by nearly becoming an elemental wizard and falling out the shower by a_bit2drunk
Oil is the go. Any vegetable oil to bind the capsaicin and then wash the oil off with soapy water.