graboidian t1_jdypc46 wrote
Reply to comment by Odd_Capital_1391 in Dolly Parton 1970s by down_bears
I did not know that.
graboidian t1_jdymxdg wrote
Reply to comment by AnOprahShapedDildo in Dolly Parton 1970s by down_bears
> It’s a wig, she’s very open about that.
The hair is fake, but the boobs are real.
graboidian t1_jdgg2ot wrote
Reply to comment by ViralParallel in Bruce Campbell and his kids on the set of Army of Darkness (1992) by Naweezy
> Chuck Finley has a reputation, good or bad,
Good,... Bad,... I'm The Guy With The Gun.
graboidian t1_jc8l63y wrote
Reply to comment by SecretSnorlax in LPT Request: how do I sleep well before an important early start the next day? by SecretSnorlax
They either have to be careful when operating machinery, or they need to take pills that specifically state "Non-drowsy".
graboidian t1_jc6swmg wrote
Reply to comment by Bitter-Heat-8767 in LPT Request: how do I sleep well before an important early start the next day? by SecretSnorlax
> Yea you're not supposed to take more than a few mg‘s.
Maybe it's a little different for the tablets, but the dosage on the jar of gummies says two 5 mg gummies per serving.
graboidian t1_jc6slok wrote
Reply to comment by Lily_Roza in LPT Request: how do I sleep well before an important early start the next day? by SecretSnorlax
Be sure and set your alarm just in case this method ends up working.
graboidian t1_jc6s8ao wrote
Reply to comment by SecretSnorlax in LPT Request: how do I sleep well before an important early start the next day? by SecretSnorlax
> I should have mentioned it in my post but they have zero effect on these early wake-up days though.
I almost hesitate to mention this, as it should be only used in extreme circumstances. If you really must sleep, and you have time for a full nights sleep to rest, you might try taking a Benadryl allergy pill. They knock me out cold, however you might find that you will wake up a tad bit groggy.
I realize this is not their intended purpose, which is why I say this would only be for extreme situations.
graboidian t1_jc6rox7 wrote
Reply to comment by blazze_eternal in LPT Request: how do I sleep well before an important early start the next day? by SecretSnorlax
> 20mg? Dang,
Yea, I realized my mistake in dosage after a few people commented. My actual dosage has be two 5 mg gummies.
I have tried just one and it doesn't seem to work for me.
graboidian t1_jc5v6nf wrote
Reply to LPT Request: how do I sleep well before an important early start the next day? by SecretSnorlax
Have you tried Melatonin?
I use these, (two 10mg gummies does the trick).
They are drug & narcotic-free, and you wake up feeling refreshed. I figure it's at least worth a shot.
graboidian t1_j6oti3d wrote
Reply to comment by Infinite-Outcome-591 in I'm surprised that so many jokes here are tagged NSFW. by vartha
No problem....IHTH.
graboidian t1_j6osk3s wrote
Reply to comment by Infinite-Outcome-591 in I'm surprised that so many jokes here are tagged NSFW. by vartha
> Excuse my ignorance...
Maybe this can help you in the future.
If you come across another acronym you want to know the meaning of, type it into the Urban Dictionary and you will likely find your answer.
Or, ya know, you can just ask us here at Reddit.
graboidian t1_j6os472 wrote
May as well be NSFGF
(Not Safe For Girl Friend)
graboidian OP t1_j69sv7n wrote
Reply to comment by One_Arm4148 in In Memory of "Seven" - A poem for the seven astronauts who perished on January 28, 1986 by graboidian
You're very welcome!
graboidian OP t1_j64o8fl wrote
Reply to comment by Arnold729 in In Memory of "Seven" - A poem for the seven astronauts who perished on January 28, 1986 by graboidian
> Ever see a ufo?
Well, I have looked up in the sky and saw an aircraft that I couldn't identify, so,....Yea, I've seen a UFO.
graboidian OP t1_j627ioj wrote
Reply to comment by BehindACorpFireWall in In Memory of "Seven" - A poem for the seven astronauts who perished on January 28, 1986 by graboidian
> I hope you are enjoying your pension!
Yea,....I wish,...I didn't feel like I wanted to be a career Airman, so I got out after one term.
It was still the best decision I ever made, as I was in no way ready to go out on my own, but the military helped me grow in those few years. Not to mention I actually had a lot of fun.
graboidian t1_j61w7cc wrote
Reply to NASA's Annual Day of Remembrance today, Jan. 26, honors the astronauts who died during the Apollo 1 fire and the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle disasters. by clayt6
Story time: I joined the US Air Force as a teen in the mid eighties. I had just completed my Tech training, and had been assigned to my permanent base for for about three months when the Challenger disaster occurred. It actually hit me pretty hard, and I'm really not sure why. I spent the next day thinking about it, and trying to come up with something I could do to help. I finally realized there was nothing a lowly airman, thousands of miles away, could do, so I opted to write a poem. Mind you, I had never written a poem before (and actually, have never written one since that day). I found myself sitting in a Carrow's restaurant, alone, drinking coffee, and the words just came out. I don't think the poem was that great, but I thought at the time it was good enough to send a copy to the President of the United States.
For those that may be interested, here is the poem I wrote:
We mourn the tears and the anguished cries,
of the families of those who have given their lives.
They cherished their country with infinite love.
This they have proven in the skies up above.
We'll share the emotions of grief and of sorrow,
but lest we forget these emotions tomorrow.
They were the ones chosen,
they were the select.
The Challenger crew,
Have earned our respect.
Yea, I know it's really not that good, but the words came from my heart as well as my head.
For those of you curious, I did receive a response from the White House.
Even though it was a pretty standard form letter, thanking me for my thoughts, I have saved both the poem and the letter, as it is a reminder of that fateful day, and how one can do something way outside their comfort zone when it's least expected.
graboidian t1_j2w0mtp wrote
Reply to comment by MrHedgehogMan in This morning in Edinburgh by persianprez
> Plenty jakeys have thrown plenty stuff pissed in there from the bridge.
graboidian t1_j2me31s wrote
Reply to comment by mankrane in [Image] Words to live by by obtuseApathy653
You're sayin' the FBI's gonna pay me to learn to surf?
graboidian t1_j2kmw7z wrote
Reply to comment by surferos505 in [Image] Words to live by by obtuseApathy653
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet"
___ Abraham Lincoln
graboidian t1_iy22fpe wrote
Revolution Number 9
graboidian t1_ixyo4cv wrote
Reply to comment by Archercrash in My Parents at a Party: 1981 by SprinklesandBeer
Getting caught in the rain?
graboidian t1_ixyo0ej wrote
Reply to comment by seztomabel in My Parents at a Party: 1981 by SprinklesandBeer
> Ops mom looks like she’s into anal
It's a damn shame your Mom was not into anal. If so, the world might have avoided you.
graboidian t1_jef2g9l wrote
Reply to comment by huskeya4 in LPT: Since April 1st is coming up. A good tip to live by is that everyone should be able to laugh at your prank at the end. If everyone ends up laughing at the person getting pranked, and they are just the punchline, chances are you're just being a jerk. Don't be a jerk. by moosepooo
> To pick the cup back up, just reverse the process.
or you could put a large pot next to the counter, then slide the glass off the edge, using the pot to catch the water.