gradontripp t1_ixikf0j wrote
Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in Does anyone know of any places with free EV charging where I could also work for a few hours on my laptop? by DJShadow
Relevance, your honor? u/Frisky_Mongoose said the name of the restaurant to describe the location, not to advocate for or against eating there.
Edit: Typo
gradontripp t1_ixik2iy wrote
Reply to comment by Rocketman1020304050 in Does anyone know of any places with free EV charging where I could also work for a few hours on my laptop? by DJShadow
Level 3 chargers in Warwick and Hopkinton, too.
gradontripp t1_ixhwv6f wrote
Reply to Wild turkeys in my neighborhood!? by bradshaw1992
Just like people, turkeys have been spreading out from the Boston area over the last few years.
gradontripp OP t1_ixavlp2 wrote
Reply to comment by Kraftndinner in PVD’s best cocktails? by gradontripp
So, so good.
gradontripp OP t1_ixavk8w wrote
Reply to comment by buck_II in PVD’s best cocktails? by gradontripp
Added to the list. Thanks!
gradontripp OP t1_ixavcsn wrote
Reply to comment by essenceofjoy in PVD’s best cocktails? by gradontripp
Added to the list!
gradontripp OP t1_ixava9a wrote
Reply to comment by bungocheese in PVD’s best cocktails? by gradontripp
I miss Birch.
gradontripp OP t1_ixav8kv wrote
Reply to comment by SanguinousSammy in PVD’s best cocktails? by gradontripp
That’s so awesome.
gradontripp OP t1_ixav6yu wrote
Reply to comment by greenmegsnoham in PVD’s best cocktails? by gradontripp
Clementine’s is our next stop, for sure.
gradontripp OP t1_ixauybe wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in PVD’s best cocktails? by gradontripp
Ooh, that sounds fun.
gradontripp OP t1_ixauvxp wrote
Reply to comment by byutifu in PVD’s best cocktails? by gradontripp
LOVE The Eddy.
gradontripp t1_iwrmb22 wrote
Drove by late, late last night, and it looks great! Will definitely check it out this weekend.
gradontripp t1_ivcl4t8 wrote
Reply to comment by CatH2222 in Hello darkness my old friend. You come to me at 5 PM. by Bjarki56
Read that as “seasoned depression”, and all I could think of was how tasty my depression would be with some adobo.
Edit: Typo
gradontripp t1_ivc4zzb wrote
Great shot. I wish one of the most iconic buildings in Providence wasn’t a fossil fuel burning power plant.
gradontripp t1_iuz07ax wrote
Reply to comment by lolabeanz59 in Political ads on YT and Internet by turdburglar2969
LOL, I saw an ad for a New Hampshire race last night. I was all “Who even are these people?!l
gradontripp t1_iuwoe6k wrote
OP has that waterfront property but doesn’t want to dox themself.
gradontripp t1_iun1j13 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in How is the dating scene in Providence? by lisachung93
What the actual? That’s so gross.
gradontripp t1_iuift92 wrote
Reply to comment by TzarKazm in Home Depot’s are out of pellets just a fyi. by Frequent_Ad_7824
We use Freedom units here, Tzar. 🇺🇸
gradontripp t1_iufkisq wrote
Reply to comment by same_subreddit_bot in I just saw someone at Hanny’s buy $200 of Halloween candy and drive off in a $350K McLaren 720s by Guygan
Good bot
gradontripp t1_iube23z wrote
Reply to comment by Squints753 in We Were Promised Jetpacks, Pawtucket by Squints753
gradontripp t1_iub91ju wrote
Reply to We Were Promised Jetpacks, Pawtucket by Squints753
Oh, dang. I wish I knew they were coming to town.
gradontripp t1_iuancu7 wrote
Reply to comment by Doctuh in Is there a special term for convenience stores that also sell pizza and sandwiches? by Saltycook
gradontripp t1_iu1xjde wrote
Reply to comment by AdjNounNumbers in keep it classy, Biddeford. by OriginalGordol
ROI is lost on this guy.
gradontripp t1_ite6sww wrote
Reply to comment by kbd77 in Buying Good Whisky by hand_truck_ham
+1 for both Bottles and Nikki’s.
gradontripp t1_ixil4e3 wrote
Reply to comment by wormholeweapons in Does anyone know of any places with free EV charging where I could also work for a few hours on my laptop? by DJShadow
The Solterra is a rebadged Toyota BZ4X. They were recalled shortly after they were released because wheels were falling off because of some “new” production method Toyota devised.
I’d hold out for a proper Outback before getting a Solterra.