grafxguy1 t1_j6b7er5 wrote
grafxguy1 t1_j6700c4 wrote
Reply to comment by cecillennon in Saltwater sculpted glacial ice, Pleneau Island, Antarctica [OC][5477 × 3651] by Chipotle42
grafxguy1 t1_j57wnrl wrote
grafxguy1 t1_j5777uk wrote
Reply to comment by bartvanh in PsBattle: Airlander 10 by Redness15
I'm oddly aroused.
grafxguy1 t1_j56cwce wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Ad8609 in PsBattle: Airlander 10 by Redness15
Haha - Thanks! :)
grafxguy1 t1_j55t760 wrote
grafxguy1 t1_j55pxdv wrote
Reply to comment by sjitz in PsBattle: Airlander 10 by Redness15
True, but it does need pants.
grafxguy1 t1_j55dibk wrote
Reply to comment by TheRecognized in Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono embrace, following his "letter" to welcome John Lennon into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 1994 by norrisrw
Beatles...hmm...Oh, wait, you mean Volkswagens, right?
grafxguy1 t1_j55ctrx wrote
Reply to comment by Mega-Steve in Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono embrace, following his "letter" to welcome John Lennon into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 1994 by norrisrw
YOKO: "Oh, Paul...this make me so makes me want to sing!"
PAUL: "Oh, God, please don't....just...don't."
grafxguy1 t1_j43dk3o wrote
grafxguy1 t1_j3yv3hm wrote
This is terrible. He's been a huge influence on my guitar playing. Very tasty phrasing, amazing technique and tone to kill for. RIP Jeff Beck
grafxguy1 t1_j3yun2u wrote
Reply to comment by vmflair in Jeff Beck working up a sweat in 1971. RIP dude. by foofoofum
"Blow by Blow" is my fave of his studio albums but, yes, "Truth" is awesome.
grafxguy1 t1_j3ad51t wrote
Reply to comment by Dasyure in PsBattle: Kevin McCarthy making a sour face by EZ-Bake420
Kevin McKitty
grafxguy1 t1_j29cnox wrote
Reply to This is a white tattoo by altonbrownie
Hey OP, are you from Quebec?
grafxguy1 t1_j26rnu6 wrote
Well tbf, she keeps singing "Call me!"
grafxguy1 t1_j26q4wn wrote
I bet OP looks pretty in pink...
grafxguy1 t1_j253jtz wrote
Reply to comment by RandyRandom111 in Sand dollar left a trail on the beach at low tide. by gecko_echo
Sand Dollar wants to "pound" a Penny.
grafxguy1 t1_j24e8x5 wrote
Nice helmet...oh wait...
grafxguy1 t1_izah94w wrote
Reply to [Image] All circumstances are temporary! by rebordacao
Is he pooping out a hundred spiders?
grafxguy1 t1_iyf7yu0 wrote
Reply to comment by FartingKumquat in Julie Newmar makes a phone call backstage during a production of the Broadway musical L’il Abner, 1956 by Ready1377
Wait, how did you kno....uh, no, I didn't!
grafxguy1 t1_iyd68xz wrote
Dance With Death: An LAPD detective investigates a series of exotic dancer murders with a journalist going deep undercover as a stripper. They should have called it LAP'D
grafxguy1 t1_iy1pg5k wrote
Reply to Bodybuilder Relna Brewer showing her strength by ripping a phone book apart (1938) by electricmastro
Death by Snu Snu
grafxguy1 t1_ixedy8a wrote
I read as Matrix Dance.
grafxguy1 t1_ixaeyop wrote
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie.....
grafxguy1 t1_j6fo0av wrote
Reply to comment by lemmepickanameffs in TIL that sperm whales are the loudest animal on Earth, and their clicks can literally kill you with sound by g1ucose
>never trust a whale biologist
"The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli." - Whale Biologist