gravy_boot t1_j1fz5ox wrote
Reply to comment by Sunf1re96 in There’s a new baby Pygmy Hippo at the Richmond Zoo! by ThaLZA
The issues with our zoo are noted elsewhere and I generally agree with them- but it’s all besides the point for me. There are two facts that I can’t get around when trying to justify maintaining captive breeding programs:
Humans aren’t entitled to animals.
Animals don’t care about extinction.
If we’re not doing it for the benefit of individuals who can appreciate their own sacrifice, and doing it causes them measurable misery, then we shouldn’t do it.
We made our bed, now we have to sleep in it. On a planetary timescale this is a blip, humans will die soon enough and nature will heal itself.
gravy_boot t1_j1fq8kh wrote
Reply to comment by Sunf1re96 in There’s a new baby Pygmy Hippo at the Richmond Zoo! by ThaLZA
Sorry if the opinions you found on this internet forum weren’t agreeable for you. You’re free to go to the zoo, but I’m going to keep being cranky about animal abuse.
gravy_boot t1_j1fntec wrote
Reply to comment by TDIMike in There’s a new baby Pygmy Hippo at the Richmond Zoo! by ThaLZA
Cool, while you gawk at the baby in it’s boring, dusty new forever-cage be sure your kids don’t learn anything, and cherish the memory as they throw a fit for froyo that they won’t appreciate. Then take them home to watch another focus-grouped Netflix dud while you get drunk and ignore them. As is tradition.
gravy_boot t1_j1fhjrn wrote
Raising wild animals from birth in captivity is barbaric, at least for more intelligent species. We destroy their habitat then breed and torture the future generations to alleviate our guilt.
Zoos don’t do nearly as much good for the planet as they claim, and id argue in many (but not all) cases they’re a net negative. There are better ways to raise money/awareness in 2023.
gravy_boot t1_izggsu8 wrote
Reply to comment by Herculicia in Thursdaily by TheCheeseDevil
Maybe they could do a pinned comment in the Fridaily linking to the event thread? Will be easy to forget though, Idk if automod can be set up to do that..
Edit/ or pin the event thread on Friday with a pinned comment to the Fridaily. The options seem limitless!
gravy_boot t1_izbf2ra wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Petersburg the city, which is what that person was talking about, is a 30 min drive. Not 15, which is what you are imagining that we all believe is fine.
> any logical reading of the anti-casino folks’ arguments in context makes it clear the vast majority believe that.
This is instructive about how your broken logic works. Because you saw a handful of comments by noisy redditors you can somehow deduce what the “vast majority” believe.
I guess that’s similar to how you deduced what 85% of people want based on the votes of 15%.
gravy_boot t1_izbcsmr wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Ah ok, one comment which wasn’t referring to any part of Petersburg that’s “15 minutes” south of Richmond. But I guess you adeptly conclude that we all agree it’s fine.
gravy_boot t1_izb8yfs wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
> But moving it a few minutes further down the road outside of an invisible border will prevent it from affecting the city at all.”
Literally no one here has said that- this is just you inventing something that doesn’t exist so you can wag your finger at it.
gravy_boot t1_izb52rt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Oh so you’re saying the casino’s radius of negative effects would include the entire city if it was located in precinct 806.
gravy_boot t1_izb02wu wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
No I did the research and have the numbers, but you’re the one making bogus claims so you do the fucking work now.
gravy_boot t1_izaz8m6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
You said everyone in the area wants it, which is the lie. What is the population of that precinct, and district? The turnout was like 13%.
gravy_boot t1_izanwwl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
> where people near it all want it.
This is wrong, like 1/10 adults in that area voted yes.
gravy_boot t1_ium8btr wrote
Reply to comment by aBitofRnRplease in Yer a wizard, Jerry by JoeProHero7
I’m sure the Onewheel people will foot the funeral expenses for this employee’s family.
gravy_boot t1_iudlg8z wrote
Reply to comment by Ditovontease in How's the Broadberry for concerts? Looking at tomorrow night for Squirrel Nut Zippers. Hope I can get some standing time on the floor, hang back at the bar, move around a bit. by iwearlederhosen
Those places sounded decent no matter where you were. Broadberry sounds like ass if you’re close to the bar.
gravy_boot t1_iudl8nx wrote
Reply to comment by The_Kentwood_Farms in How's the Broadberry for concerts? Looking at tomorrow night for Squirrel Nut Zippers. Hope I can get some standing time on the floor, hang back at the bar, move around a bit. by iwearlederhosen
I wish they’d buy out the payday loan place next door and expand.
gravy_boot t1_itkw50t wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow
Don’t you make me choose between financial ruin and rooting for the Houston Astros.
gravy_boot t1_ir8emdw wrote
If you’re planning to go in early to get good balcony seats, you should know they started selling reserved seats a year or two ago, at least for some shows. Might want to verify that’s not the case before you go to all the trouble.
gravy_boot t1_j1i52sv wrote
Reply to comment by Cuda14 in There’s a new baby Pygmy Hippo at the Richmond Zoo! by ThaLZA
You keep telling yourself that.