
greenglasstree t1_jace4wl wrote

Considering that it's America, only the African, Asian, and Latin American spies will face charges, along with ordinary Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans who did nothing wrong and were loyal to the United States.

And Russian and other European spies will face almost no consequences.


greenglasstree t1_jaamfgx wrote

I understand why some people have non-moral objections to strip clubs and legal marijuana shops. They lower the valuation of the residential housing nearby.

For example, some towns have or had in recent history a ban on liquor stores and/or fast food restaurants. There's nothing morally wrong with alcohol, marijuana, strippers, tobacco, lottery tickets, fast food, or NASCAR race tracks, but having these things in your town does bring down housing valuation, which is a problem for the upper and upper middle classes.


greenglasstree t1_jaa4b9l wrote

Health resources in general are craptastic in New Hampshire. Both mental and physical.

My friend's father shouldn't have to drive to another state just because he has a relatively uncommon disease and the specialists in NH suck.

New Hampshire needs to stand on its own feet and provide health services and jobs for its own people.


greenglasstree t1_j9yfazm wrote

Legit, this is only going to make affluent New Hampshirite women even more dependent on Massachusetts than before. Educated, rich New Hampshirite women already go to Massachusetts for luxury shopping, and other luxury services. Now they will also go to Massachusetts for haircuts, eyebrow microblading, eyebrow plucking, pubic hair removal, and to get their nails done.


greenglasstree t1_j9yeus5 wrote

I wouldn't go to a low end hair salon anyways.

Eliminating a licence requirement is only going to make affluent New Hampshirite women go to Massachusetts to find a top-of-the-industry hair stylist.

Just like how affluent New Hampshirites already go to Massachusetts for luxury shopping, luxury services, and rare disease doctors.


greenglasstree t1_j9vwsm0 wrote

For the same reason the min wage is still $7.25 and you can't get good specialists for rare diseases here.

New Hampshire is like a father who does no childcare because he knows the mother will do it.

Many New Hampshirites don't care because they can get higher paying jobs, legal marijuana, and apppointments with rare disease doctors in nearby places.


greenglasstree t1_j97et89 wrote

The internet is skewed towards introverts, and anime skews introverted.

What's interesting is that introverts from Western nations prefer even live action Japanese films. Why do Western introverts like Japan, not just anime, but food, culture, language, live action film, music, clothing, history, and social values?


greenglasstree t1_j8ymdlg wrote

I mean, by that time people may have developed those suits that recycle the water in your body so you only lose a few ml per day if you're out in the desert...


greenglasstree t1_j8u506i wrote

I don't think high schoolers should have after school jobs. Summer internships are good, but no minor should have to work during the school year.

It's not a coincidence that the demographic of kids in America who do the least house chores and have the lowest rate of working a paid part time job also have the highest graduation rate and highest rate of eventual university completion.


greenglasstree t1_j8u4pt2 wrote

If MA pushes high school start times back to 9am, the kids would get so much smarter that they would make Finnish and Singaporean teens look dumb in comparison. Which would only fuel the egoism of MA. The state's collective ego would balloon to an unstable size, upon which it would collapse under its own weight, thereby creating a massive black hole.


greenglasstree t1_j8sawl1 wrote

Poor people love to blame the upper middle class and lower upper class, when it's really the billionaire investor class that is doing this shit.

40 years ago dentists from Boston were also buying summer homes in Vermont but they could typically afford one per family. The billionaire investor class buys homes to speculate in the hundreds/thousands.


greenglasstree t1_j8saq6x wrote

Ding ding ding.

People love to blame rich foreigners buying a vacation house, or an upper middle class Bostonian buying a single summer home, but the real culprit are billion dollar financial firms buying hundreds, if not thousands of houses for speculation.

Dr. Jane Everywoman from Boston who makes $200k a year as a pediatrician isn't the enemy.