greenknight884 t1_iue79lg wrote
Reply to comment by Jakooboo in TIL dunce caps were originally a sign of high intelligence and wisdom. Philosopher and theologian John Duns Scotus was a proponent of pointy hats as a way to funnel knowledge to the mind and his followers, called Dunsmen, wore them. By the 1500s the Dunsmen fell out of favor as “behind the times”. by Aequitas05
Cones of Dunsmen
greenknight884 t1_iu7pjv0 wrote
Reply to comment by dvoecks in Kirkland chef restores stream to make it habitable for salmon and sees 'amazing' results by EveFluff
Her specialties are pizza and chicken bake
greenknight884 t1_iuf0fcb wrote
Reply to LPT: If out and about with a group and a member falls behind and the rest of the group walks ahead, wait for the person. It is a simple way to be kind and demonstrate that you put others first. by MooplesMoop
Do people just leave their friends behind? I don't understand the mindset where you go out with a group and feel it is acceptable to keep partying when one of your group is missing