greenmtnfiddler t1_j2zffey wrote
Reply to comment by whys0brave in Trying to buy a shipping container by [deleted]
Are you an experienced poultry-keeper? Is your home in a nice isolated rural area?
I don't want to harsh your bliss, but this sort of thing doesn't always work out as well as some of the YouTube channels would leave you to believe.
If you don't already hang out at r/backyardchickens, you might want to post a description about your current setup/future ideas and let some of the old hands kick it around a little.
greenmtnfiddler t1_j2wtmw5 wrote
Reply to Trying to buy a shipping container by [deleted]
How many chickens do you have/want?
Chickens only need a weasel-proof structure at night, draftless and small enough that their bodyheat is shared while still being well ventilated. On a 4x8 base, that's about 8-9 chickens.
During the day, coyote/hawk-proof only needs a roof, frame and wire, the floor can be the ground.
If you're talking a full truck box, that's a LOT of chickens -- like, agricultural runoff issues/commercial permitting numbers -- and cleaning it's going to be a bitch.
By the time you find, move, clean, adapt, mount and level a shipping container, you can build one with scrap lumber.
Source: built one.
greenmtnfiddler t1_j2f7cc0 wrote
Here's defenestration in Russian if you want to do any searching -- it's a nice simple cognate: дефенестрация
greenmtnfiddler t1_j2f6ld6 wrote
Reply to Why do so many people from out of state think that tire chains are the answer? by SnooMaps1313
Hey there - just saying -- if anyone wants to make a cool "YES YOU NEED SNOW TIRES" graphic, I'll make it the header image over at r/newtovermont.
(Also, I'll probably crosspost/sticky this thread when I get a chance.)
greenmtnfiddler t1_j20vgjk wrote
Reply to comment by Raekwaanza in Vermont lawmakers aim to make housing more available and affordable by dropkickninja
I think this is one of those times when we're all right, you, me, every reply on this thread.
Building owners need help with renovations that would let them come up to code, people w/ extra space but no landlord skills need help getting them, towns need help setting up policies that encourage local affordable full-time residencies.
"I've got that extra room downstairs that could be a small apartment, but I heard of one friend who did that and...[insert horror story about bad tenant, theft, losing food/heating assistance, taxes doubling etc here]" is something I've heard from more than one local.
People are afraid to create housing in their existing homes, there's way too many ways it can go south if you don't have the legal/handyman chops. Owning housing is a business/skill like any other, it's a job, and not everyone's cut out to do it -- and if you screw up, you can really get hosed.
>nothing meaningful ever happens
With you there. :/
greenmtnfiddler t1_j1xeqrl wrote
Support child care for pre-K's, before- and after-care for school age, and health care for everyone and then maybe people could get/have/keep/create/offer jobs.
Support/fund full school bus coverage. Subsidize van pickup/dropoff services for larger employers who can employ entry-level blue collar workers who are more likely to have difficulty with transportation.
It's not just the lack of housing stock or how the price keeps going up, it's being able to work for it in the first place.
greenmtnfiddler t1_j1bozgg wrote
Reply to comment by ReasonableLiving5958 in I hear we're doing snow dogs?! by TheScandinavianFlick
Different account.
greenmtnfiddler t1_j17hqwo wrote
Reply to comment by Formal_Coyote_5004 in I hear we're doing snow dogs?! by TheScandinavianFlick
Because some of us remember when reddit was mostly discussion, sharing information.
greenmtnfiddler t1_iztnqvq wrote
Reply to Suppose budget was no issue. What inter-town/city rail connections would you build, either within Vermont or from places in Vermont to elsewhere? by DrToadley
Brattleboro -> Keene -> Concord -> Manchester/airport -> Boston
greenmtnfiddler t1_iztlau4 wrote
Reply to comment by sugarplummed in Gremlins??? Vermont’s favorite Christmas movie. What kind of bullshirt is that? by irregularshadeofred
Have you ever been sitting near a window in early spring in VT on a property that has some sort of pond/stream/swamp/vernal pool/puddle?
And you can't hear yourself think because of something that sounds like a million tiny tiny parakeets hollering NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! NEAP! crossed with the violin soundtrack from the famous shower scene in Psycho ?
Those are peepers.
greenmtnfiddler t1_izpk2ln wrote
Reply to Gremlins??? Vermont’s favorite Christmas movie. What kind of bullshirt is that? by irregularshadeofred
I've always thought VT and Puerto Rico were secret spiritual twins.
Ever been down there? Really terrific people mostly just trying to get by, weird blend of old-school dying-out agricultural communities tucked up in the mountains on terrible dirt roads, abandoned military/industrial infrastructure, quaint gussied-up tourist-oriented towns competing cheek-by-jowl in the most desirable beach locations, incredible natural beauty under threat by global warming, lots of quirky one-offs like corn mazes and tree-top ziplines trying to find a financial niche. Sound familiar?
Also, the signature "coqui" frogs sound basically like our peepers, except there's always a few calling year-round instead of our seasonal flash-mob.
I seriously recommend PR if you ever want to bug out of Vermont in February.
greenmtnfiddler t1_iy0p1aa wrote
Reply to Thoughts on a “Move to VT Monday” or something similar to limit the number of posts asking a lot of the same questions? by vtdadbod007
Put something on the submission window that says "About to ask about moving to Vemornt? Go to /r/NewToVermont instead, thanks!"
Then, if they post here anyway, hit the report button. If the mods want they can rig a bot to remove any post that gets over X reports.
You can't "fix" reddit and make it stay fixed, reddit's a garden, not a house or document. The invasives will ALways try and return, the caterpillars will just keep coming in waves, the weed seeds will never quit.
greenmtnfiddler t1_iwdk802 wrote
Reply to comment by lantonas in Purchasing Venison for the holidays by vtbb
Oops - but you can trade/give, right? Or do you have to do it quietly? Or does it not count if you help break it down yourself?
I know I've got friends who've made plenty of friendly arrangements over the years, but I'm totally NOT up on the legalities -- so sorry if I'm suggesting something inappropriate!
Anyone know the particulars?
greenmtnfiddler t1_iwcdwrc wrote
Reply to Purchasing Venison for the holidays by vtbb
Put up a flyer at the firehouse/town hall/town garage or wherever they're selling the hunting tags/doing the check-ins.
Also wherever they're selling ammo.
Also rod-and-gun club, Front Porch forum, whatever diner the hunters hang out at. If you know how to dress an animal maybe you can offer to help/trade.
greenmtnfiddler t1_ivyba3z wrote
Reply to comment by whaletacochamp in Vermont ranked 2nd most stressed state in the country: New study reveals by Carolff1
I'm with you. The economics/transportation/real estate issues are tough, but at least we don't have racist/Trumpian/apocalyptic billboards and church signs every hundred yards, and no one's "monitoring" election sites with Uzi's. And there's trees.
greenmtnfiddler t1_ivyawab wrote
Reply to comment by Jaynie_ in Vermont ranked 2nd most stressed state in the country: New study reveals by Carolff1
Huh? There are multiple connected communities in my area: sports leagues, library, land conservation commission, fire/emt crew, open mic, literacy volunteers, meals-on-wheels, choral societies, garage bands, community orchestras, skate park, town band, MTG/gamers groups, parents-of-preschoolers. Where are you living that it's too sparse to have any of these? Even in the NEK there are options if you look. Granted that transportation is a huge issue, you have to have a car to get to all of these, but that's true for the whole northeast.
greenmtnfiddler t1_iv2zo9h wrote
Reply to comment by Loeden in Deploy mallards. As seen on the rail trail. by applesweaters
Hey, don't look at me. I still think you could go around with a couple of sharpies, you only need black and pink to turn the beak into a pretty decent vulva. Cover the eyes with squiggles like pubic hair, and then the lines for the side of the eagle head become thigh creases. Seriously, go check.
greenmtnfiddler t1_iujtj3j wrote
Reply to comment by dillydally85 in Something killed and devoured a deer in my yard last night. Thought it was coyotes, but they don't decapitate... coywolves, actual wolves? What could have done this..... (Northern Vermont) by WheezeThaJuice
I totally agree with where you're coming from, you're prob. 100% right -- but I have known someone who'd take the head to make coathooks for the tourists and the backstrap/tenderloin for dinner and leave the rest. Had a bad back and wouldn't bring the deer in, too hard to drag. This was in the Adirondacks, tho, in an area somewhat...woollier... than Vt, except for maybe the Kingdom.
(Didn't say I liked the guy)
greenmtnfiddler t1_iui0804 wrote
Reply to Something killed and devoured a deer in my yard last night. Thought it was coyotes, but they don't decapitate... coywolves, actual wolves? What could have done this..... (Northern Vermont) by WheezeThaJuice
Hunter took the head, hide, and best meat, coyotes did the rest.
greenmtnfiddler t1_iudnbk1 wrote
Reply to comment by pikeminnow in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
I have a bunch of extra sharpies.
The big thick kind.
Just sayin'.
greenmtnfiddler t1_iubuzsr wrote
Reply to Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
That...beak thing.
If you took a black sharpie and added a few more lines inside, then colored the whole thing pink, wouldn't it look an awful lot like, well,
a vulva?
With a couple of thigh creases and a pair of labia piercings?
Does anyone else see it, or is it just me?
greenmtnfiddler t1_irtfm77 wrote
The stuff they piss on you if you try to pick them up smells just like bellybuttons.
greenmtnfiddler t1_ir6u8nf wrote
Reply to A few days ago in the NEK by passumpsicvalley
Just need to wait until the sun gets lower and you've got yourself a real-life Maxfield Parish.
greenmtnfiddler t1_j3dc1ku wrote
Reply to New sub for Made in Vermont products! /VermontMade by Vermonts_Own
Great idea! For the OP's who want to post on /r/NewToVermont stuff like
"Hi! Thinking of moving here so I can make my organic watercolor fridge magnets made from maple leaves and BY THE WAY HERE'S MY ETSY SHOP"
now I know exactly where to tell them where to go instead!
I'll get you linked in the sidebar ASAP. :)