grimkhor t1_j65h7jf wrote
Reply to comment by IllustriousSignal575 in To Hindenburg & other interested parties: my advice? Invest in some good home security. by BlueRidgeGamer
I can and I did as those stats are per 100k people and not landmass. So stats say you're wrong. You know what I even provide a source.
grimkhor t1_j65g1v1 wrote
Reply to comment by IllustriousSignal575 in To Hindenburg & other interested parties: my advice? Invest in some good home security. by BlueRidgeGamer
That's what all muricans say but stats are that you either shoot yourself, someone random by accident or commit a crime at some point. Reality is countries without guns have less crime and are way safer. Source: I'm living in one of those countries.
grimkhor t1_j62xnmx wrote
Reply to FTC reportedly timed its opposition to Microsoft's Activision deal to manipulate the European Union by yabadabadoomf
At least now we know why the FTC filed a lawsuit they will almost always lose.
grimkhor t1_ixvkenx wrote
Reply to Inflation Table Through November 2023 by OBS10invest
Great work
grimkhor t1_iu8h0a2 wrote
Reply to comment by NOVUS_ORDO_SECLORUM6 in Are your shares being delivered - SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 ? by NOVUS_ORDO_SECLORUM6
Ok but why should I care? If I buy a fake stock and can hold it for years and then I can still sell it later. I still get the dividends. The broker still sends me the votes for my stocks. Shutting down the stock market seems worse for me tbh.
grimkhor t1_iu8creq wrote
Reply to Are your shares being delivered - SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 ? by NOVUS_ORDO_SECLORUM6
I'm just trying to make money. If you get the stock market shutdown that would be a bummer for my plans.
grimkhor t1_j65j3wo wrote
Reply to comment by IllustriousSignal575 in To Hindenburg & other interested parties: my advice? Invest in some good home security. by BlueRidgeGamer
Don't start being pedantic if you didn't do your homework buddy because there's a source button on the site. It's not my source it's a reliable source.
>owning a firearm or majority of firearms is illegal in those countries and most of the ones that you can on that list.....its illegal to carry outside of your residence without a specific permit.
Correct that's the point. If multiple people show up at your residence trying to fight they show up with guns and shoot you. If they show up in any other first world country they just rob you because neither one has a gun.