
gripto t1_iubxcu3 wrote

This article is farcical. Talk about blowing smoke up the ass of the interviewee.

Some of the blame for the direction that the Alien franchise took has to be laid upon Weaver and two of the producers, Hill and Giler.

I remember reading articles about the making of Alien 3 and one of the justifications for Weaver to return (and get a producing credit) was she insisted that there would be no guns in the movie. She was anti-gun and a new mother, and used her clout to influence the development of the script. She didn't like the amount of weaponry in Aliens.

When the star of the movie lays down edicts like that at the story development phase it does wonky things to the production. I always thought that Weaver's insistence about no-guns was why the studio commissioned two scripts where Ripley was sidelined in Alien 3 (the William Gibson draft and the Eric Red draft).

Alien 3 and Resurrection are good film school examples of what happens when too many cooks are in the kitchen.