
grnmtnboy0 t1_ixyztq7 wrote

I like my neighbors and I didn't mind people going through when they behaved but that courtesy seems to have fallen by the wayside. It didn't stop with the posting either: just recently some jerk with out of state plates parked on my camp road so I couldn't drive in. I left as polite a note as I was capable of at the time but he damn near had his pretty, expensive SUV relocated by a logging skidder


grnmtnboy0 t1_ixwjrmw wrote

When I was growing up, our land in the NEK was always open to people. That all changed when they started abusing our generosity and left trash all over. The last straw was when one "hunter" actually told a family member to leave because "he was there first". My dad quickly showed him the error of his ways and escorted the jerk off the property. It's been posted since. I would prefer to be more neighborly but I've seen that abused far too often


grnmtnboy0 t1_ixlzwf1 wrote


grnmtnboy0 t1_iucqhmy wrote

Not just Progressives, everyone needs to chill. I do agree abotut he eyesore that all these signs create and campaigns should be responsible for cleaning up the mess afterward. On the other hand, the signs do make excellent target holders at the rifle range (I'm not advocating shooting people)


grnmtnboy0 t1_irm93dg wrote

Ok troll, 99% of people here couldn't care less about a person's race, culture, sexual orientation or whatever. What draws the flatlander response is when anyone comes here with the all too common sense of entitlement and arrogance that we see every day. The moniker is in reaction to behavior, nothing else. Just be happy that we remain polite enough to just refer to them as flatlanders and not do something else


grnmtnboy0 t1_ir9tx20 wrote

I'm all for sticking it to the OPEC thugs (see below), but there is no way renewables will have the capacity to replace oil in less than 20 years. We need to produce our own oil, etc. while shifting over. We also need to invest heavily in new nuclear power plants. New designs are hundreds of times safer and more efficient than the ones that gave nuclear power a bad rap.

Before anyone freaks out over what I've said, remember, I agree with getting away from oil. I'm just pointing out near-term infrastructure changes that we have to make for this to work more smoothly