guesswhochickenpoo t1_j1bkdgn wrote
I have ray-ban frames which are very tall but flat horizontally (if that makes sense) and they sit quite flat against my head and thus don’t cause much issue. The very end of the arms where it curls in at the back so press into my head a bit when using my 560s but it’s not too bad.
My skinny head causes more of an issue with my 560s because they tend to slowly slip towards the back of my head and I have to periodically pull them forward. Might be partially due to the glasses arms but I think it’s mostly my head size / shape. Either way it’s not uncomfortable, more so annoying.
guesswhochickenpoo t1_j0ex6na wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Frustrated with Hifiman by [deleted]
Similar price bracket but not the same listening experience at all. And that’s coming from someone who chose the 6XX over the Sundara.
guesswhochickenpoo t1_iybcgq9 wrote
Reply to comment by ku1185 in Finally got the Sundara's and.... I'm conflicted by GrimTurtle666
I tried Sundara's after getting the 6XX I thought I was in an extremely small minority or even totally on my own thinking the Sundara's weren't that great and I had much of the same "detached" experience as you. The 6XX make me feel like part of the music, like I'm immersed in it and right in there with the band whereas the Sundara's made me feel like the music was being played at me from across the room but not in a good way and it felt like more than just a soundstage difference. Someone described them as being more "deep" than wide which resonated with me.
guesswhochickenpoo t1_j1oomqt wrote
Reply to comment by owoflux in Just received my HD 560s from Amazon and they came with a 2.5mm to 3.5mm cable. I thought they come with 2.5mm to 4.4mm cables? by owoflux
There will be not sound different between the cables. That’s all snake oil even with extremely different cables.