
guybehindawall t1_j6i5fhz wrote

I mean, if people all over the country didn't come out and protest after George Floyd's murder, do you really think the officers involved in Tyre's murder would already be fired and arrested? Arrested even before the video came out?

The department's behavior was an acknowledgement that they were under public scrutiny, and protests should continue to remind governments that they are still under public scrutiny.


guybehindawall t1_j506kad wrote

  1. Damn, we'll never get to see them crisp their crust up a little more and actually make a real good pizza.

  2. So before the dust even settled from the Hangover/Bucks/Smokestack/Maddi's closings, Glazy Susan, The Muse, Lulu's Bakery, Beirut Bite, and now Paesano have all closed. Yikes.


guybehindawall t1_j2dd98u wrote

Per's recyclopedia:

>You can put your EMPTY pizza box in the recycling. Grease is okay.

>Some people ask us what kind of pizza boxes we mean. The answer is pizza boxes (with the exception of frozen pizza boxes) made out of cardboard or box board (think: cereal box) can be recycled as long as they are empty. Helpful suggestion: Fold the box inside out before you put it in the recycling. This will make sure that the box is completely empty so there are no surprises at the sorting facility.

>Liners and pizza savers (pizza tables) go in the trash. The food should be composted or put in the trash


guybehindawall t1_j0hbi9u wrote

Yeah the long and short of it is we need to address the missing middle, and there's no incentive for private developers to do that. Doing things like changing zoning regs that require more affordable housing and allow for more housing types to be built might be somewhat helpful, but there's really no solution to the housing crisis that doesn't involve building more public housing.