halfbakedblake t1_jegbb9t wrote
Reply to comment by smokeythemechanic in Proof that capitalism won’t solve the affordable housing crisis. by No-Ganache7168
I really hate that I assume people are assholes on reddit. It is my usual experience and I apologize, but you didn't respond to what I was saying, you just started talking about taxes after I said I'm measuring by happiness. Also we pay up to %37 in taxes. I know I lose about 1/3 of my money to taxes. So instead of 3 paychecks going to the government wed lose 5. Not that big a jump for the benefits.
halfbakedblake t1_jeg9ou3 wrote
Reply to comment by smokeythemechanic in Proof that capitalism won’t solve the affordable housing crisis. by No-Ganache7168
Well, thank you for explaining to me, you sure ranted at me and taught me.... That you don't pay attention to the words and you are just spouting shit that gives nothing to the conversation. Here's your big reddit win. You got me, shit. How dare I measure a country by how happy people are.
halfbakedblake t1_jeg5xas wrote
Reply to comment by smokeythemechanic in Proof that capitalism won’t solve the affordable housing crisis. by No-Ganache7168
Happiness and quality of life is the metric I was using.
halfbakedblake t1_jeflvtz wrote
Reply to comment by Necessary_Cat_4801 in Proof that capitalism won’t solve the affordable housing crisis. by No-Ganache7168
I believe some socialism seems to work fine.
halfbakedblake t1_jdecpu6 wrote
Reply to VT Divorce Law? by Substantial-Ad-3428
Bit of a sketchy weird post
halfbakedblake t1_jd862wh wrote
Reply to What are your favorite board games to play when you're stuck inside during cold Vermont winters? by Backyard_Games
Carcassonne, king of Tokyo, smash up, but spring is here.
halfbakedblake t1_jd16ift wrote
Reply to comment by meinblown in Former state trooper arrested on more than a dozen charges for allegedly stealing more than $40,000 of items in police custody by ARaoulVermonter
I just read 4 years prison, 3 years supervised release. It will soon be over if it is not already. Invalidated 30 cases from the article.
halfbakedblake t1_jd157lk wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Birthday749 in Former state trooper arrested on more than a dozen charges for allegedly stealing more than $40,000 of items in police custody by ARaoulVermonter
Omfg. I knew about the harassment, not the shit before.
halfbakedblake t1_jcp2y3d wrote
Reply to comment by RamaSchneider in Clergy reporting bill fails to make key legislative deadline over constitutional concerns by RamaSchneider
I am pretty sure the Catholics legally aided their rapists by hiding them and moving them location to location. Murder is totally okay in a lot of religions, especially if deemed holy by another human. Torture, see murder.
halfbakedblake t1_jclr3ub wrote
Reply to comment by whaletacochamp in Former Stowe police officer under investigation by JerryKook
Dude sounds like a scary mf.
halfbakedblake t1_jclqrst wrote
Reply to comment by MissJudgeGaming in Former Stowe police officer under investigation by JerryKook
I just assume it is AI generated and not proofread.
halfbakedblake t1_jcl21bx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Vt. Community Confronts Little Sprouts CEO David Post Over 30% Tuition Hike at 3/15 and 3/16 Virtual Meetings by ChildCearPlz
Values shift and change, but our education system would be boosted by parents staying at home occasionally. I'm not saying anyone could afford to, but it would be good for us as people.
halfbakedblake t1_jckcsju wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Vt. Community Confronts Little Sprouts CEO David Post Over 30% Tuition Hike at 3/15 and 3/16 Virtual Meetings by ChildCearPlz
I don't disagree with you, but the economy is not what it was, pretty sure most people can barely survive with no kids. Family raising their own children is a big deal and we should focus more as a nation to help raise the next generation.
halfbakedblake t1_jc8k187 wrote
Reply to comment by alienwarezftw in Vermont Lawmakers File Bills To Legalize Psychedelics And Decriminalize All Drugs by OregonTripleBeam
There are other factors at play than just the legalization, here and there. We have to change society. People will use it regardless. Why make them a criminal starting down the path where there is no return.
halfbakedblake t1_jc8jdkw wrote
Reply to comment by xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx in Vermont Lawmakers File Bills To Legalize Psychedelics And Decriminalize All Drugs by OregonTripleBeam
So, should we make alcohol illegal again. It is DEFINITELY a hard drug. One of the two that the withdrawals will kill you. This is an all or nothing thing, because I can argue with you about what is or isn't a hard drug.
Education, mental health and making a person a part of the community are not easy. Give your unhoused neighbors a reason to care.
Escapism may not be a valid excuse, but escapism will be there either way. We are humans and we seek to escape. It's not like drugs are a new concept, hard or soft.
halfbakedblake t1_jc4iihx wrote
Reply to comment by CARMBLOVER in As someone who lives in Indiana... by CARMBLOVER
Ofc. What do you need?
halfbakedblake t1_jc487c1 wrote
Reply to comment by CARMBLOVER in As someone who lives in Indiana... by CARMBLOVER
Why haven't you contacted someone to do something to help you?
halfbakedblake t1_jby38wz wrote
Reply to comment by knupaddler in In Bellows Falls… by papalemingway
I feel that it is way too easy to join a legitimate cult now.
halfbakedblake t1_jbveim8 wrote
Reply to comment by CARMBLOVER in As someone who lives in Indiana... by CARMBLOVER
Did you get some sleep?
halfbakedblake t1_jbpnyf9 wrote
Reply to comment by CARMBLOVER in As someone who lives in Indiana... by CARMBLOVER
As I said.
halfbakedblake t1_jbpl5h7 wrote
Reply to comment by CARMBLOVER in As someone who lives in Indiana... by CARMBLOVER
I believe there is a phrase that applies here. Pics or it didn't happen.
halfbakedblake t1_jbpfp8y wrote
Reply to comment by CARMBLOVER in As someone who lives in Indiana... by CARMBLOVER
Please elaborate.
halfbakedblake t1_jbp62i2 wrote
Reply to comment by CARMBLOVER in As someone who lives in Indiana... by CARMBLOVER
Eh buddy, I can talk, text and read. Can you?
halfbakedblake t1_jblnpuw wrote
Reply to comment by CARMBLOVER in As someone who lives in Indiana... by CARMBLOVER
Almost sounding human.
halfbakedblake t1_jegcxnu wrote
Reply to comment by smokeythemechanic in Proof that capitalism won’t solve the affordable housing crisis. by No-Ganache7168
I am not unhappy here, but as you relate to the world through your lens I do mine. I was injured and out of work for 2 years. Medical debt is no joke and the debt that comes with illness is terrible. I'm scared shitless to age here.
Happiness to me is different than for you, but all governments are fucked and this may be a case of the grass being greener, but accidents and life happen.