hammnbubbly OP t1_it6u9di wrote
Reply to comment by Algae-Ok in Looking for outdoor/surveillance camera suggestions. Shady builder beginning work in front of my house soon. I want to keep an eye on him and his crew (details on why in post) while they do their thing. by hammnbubbly
> If a contractor is that shady and nobody contacted the state to revoke his license then it is really just neighbors that just don’t like his work….
Perhaps this is correct, but I also know my neighbors don’t want to report him because his company is responsible for paving the road they live on (after the cul de sac I’m on was opened up and the road extended) and they’ve been fighting with him for months to do that and he keeps pushing back. Even they say he’s nice, but super shady.
hammnbubbly OP t1_it6u014 wrote
Reply to comment by infinitemarshmallow in Looking for outdoor/surveillance camera suggestions. Shady builder beginning work in front of my house soon. I want to keep an eye on him and his crew (details on why in post) while they do their thing. by hammnbubbly
My house was at the end of a cul de sac. A few years ago, they opened that cul de sac up, extended the street, and built ten new homes. The homes were built by a private contracting company, who is also responsible for paving the new road (but hasn’t), and for adding a curb in front of my house to connect the curb from the “old” neighborhood to the new. The letter he sent says the town will inspect the work, but all of this is being done to fulfill the contract his company has.
hammnbubbly OP t1_it6v9o0 wrote
Reply to comment by Algae-Ok in Looking for outdoor/surveillance camera suggestions. Shady builder beginning work in front of my house soon. I want to keep an eye on him and his crew (details on why in post) while they do their thing. by hammnbubbly
I can’t say one way or another. In my experience with builders from his company, when I first moved in, they were building a new home next to mine. They came onto my property, ripped up trees, tore up the yard, ripped out vines, and made a real mess. It was all right on the property line, but some damage was done on my side. I had the town come out, they verified it. I tried to sue him, but it went nowhere because it was his word against mine (they claimed I gave permission to do what they did, which I certainly did not). It’s a situation I don’t want to end up dealing with again and this letter I got gives me a bad feeling I’m going to be dealing with this company’s bullshit all over again.