happydazenews OP t1_iz1v9qb wrote
Reply to comment by mrbubbles916 in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
While most of the stories are science related I am working on diversification. The problem is some of the other stories are harder to post because while they might have a bit of good news the overall story will make you feel not so great.
happydazenews OP t1_iz1ulgq wrote
Reply to comment by gordonmessmer in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Good Point regarding the source of the articles. I totally hear where you are coming from. Regarding the colleges and universities, they actually post these articles to publicize the research and I think reposting them helps both people who are looking for a centralized site for all the good news and the educational institution/researchers.
The plan in to write everything (in house) in the future but for right now it really helps with costs to repost other articles from colleges, universities, and journals. I have written a few of the articles myself and like how they have turned out, so the plan will be to write more and more until everything is custom and nothing is reposted. Thank you.
happydazenews OP t1_iyz7gnq wrote
Reply to comment by ThatProPie in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Im glad you like it!
happydazenews OP t1_iyz7fwi wrote
Reply to comment by MattePatte303 in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Thank you! I will look into that 👍🏾
happydazenews OP t1_iyz7cnu wrote
Reply to comment by Rogaar in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
"Hear me out...What I mean is by seeing other people's misery, we look at our own lives and think "glad that's not happening to me". Makes us feel better about our own lives."
I am with you 100%. I also think maybe people who are in tough situations can watch the news to feel less lonely like... its not only "me" whose going through strife and hardship.
happydazenews OP t1_iyz75o9 wrote
Reply to comment by OVRLDD in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
My Pleasure!
happydazenews OP t1_iyz73fl wrote
Reply to comment by grumpygazelle in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Thank you!
happydazenews OP t1_iyz5pl7 wrote
Reply to comment by muricabrb in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Yes merchandise would be great! I really appreciate your kind words. I am planning on making more YouTube content about the articles on the website and once I have a few videos I think I'll launch a patreon or something similar, but for now I am just accepting donation from our contribute page.
Thanks again for the wonderful suggestion!
happydazenews OP t1_iyz4ohm wrote
Reply to comment by MrIantoJones in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
hmm interesting. I will keep trying to adjust it or it might take a sec to update. Thank you again this really is a big help.
happydazenews OP t1_iyz40o5 wrote
Reply to comment by MrIantoJones in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
I think I fixed it! Thanks again for pointing it out.
happydazenews OP t1_iyz3ff6 wrote
Reply to comment by MrIantoJones in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Oh good eye, I will try to fix it!
happydazenews OP t1_iyz352r wrote
Reply to comment by stevenmeyerjr in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
You are totally right, but I really wanted to make it very clean and organized ui wise and I felt limited by the reddit form. Also, I like the idea of crowdsourcing and having people be able to post, and they are absolutely welcome to in the sub reddit but for the site I just wanted to strictly control design elements and stylistic choices which is only possible when I'm the only who can post.
On the https://happydaze.io/contribute/ page I have a email where people can send me potential ideas/topics
Also here's the link to the subreddit : r/happydazenews
happydazenews OP t1_iyz2lx8 wrote
Reply to comment by hohounk in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
happydazenews OP t1_iyz2kac wrote
Reply to comment by MrIantoJones in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
I just added the button to the website, and app! On the website/app if you scroll all the way to the bottom to the footer section the "Contribute" Link will take you to a page with a "TIP JAR" button. Thank you so much for the reminder ( I had it written down but no button made) and the gesture honestly means so much to me.
happydazenews OP t1_iyz0hph wrote
Reply to comment by Vextin in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Right! Its so hard to find some truly good news. Like I was telling u/Octopuns, I remember this one story that stuck in my mind where the mom couldn't afford to buy her kids presents and their neighbors found out and went and bought them gifts. Like I understand the neighbors did a great thing but overall the story doesn't make me feel good.
happydazenews OP t1_iyz06hj wrote
Reply to comment by Rogaar in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Negative news stories definitely draw more attention and when the news companies are doing anything and everything for the all mighty ad dollar. They dont care what they post as long as they get eyeballs watching their content. So unfortunately I am not too surprised the TV show version (tv is a very ad driven) didn't work. However, since Im not worried about ads I hope to avoid that pitfall.
The larger commentary about what that says about people... I choose to look at it in a positive light; that type of content gets more attention because people care and while they might feel powerless to help, watching and being knowledgable about their strife is better than nothing at all. maybe? I dont know.
happydazenews OP t1_iyyyz3r wrote
Reply to comment by Snyckerbar76 in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Thank you!
happydazenews OP t1_iyyyws2 wrote
Reply to comment by TisKey2323 in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Thank you for the kind words, and Im glad you like it!
happydazenews OP t1_iyyytd5 wrote
Reply to comment by OVRLDD in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
I think nuclear energy is the future, especially the varieties of reactors with no weapon-izable by-products. I believe thorium salt reactors and the miniaturization of reactors combined with advancements in artificial intelligence could lead to an incredibly green future with an abundance of clean power. Thanks for the question. Regarding most controversial topics I think I would try to avoid them but some things like nuclear energy imo are common sense.
happydazenews OP t1_iyyy6nz wrote
Reply to comment by greenappletree in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
You are welcome, and I know right! That would totally be a game changer; my dad has diabetes and I know he struggles with managing his condition. Pills would make it 100x easier.
happydazenews OP t1_iyyxyri wrote
Reply to comment by ThatChescalatedQuick in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
glad to help!
happydazenews OP t1_iyyxwgy wrote
Reply to comment by miz_n in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
I appreciate the kind words 🙏
happydazenews OP t1_iyyxsdl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Thank you 👍🏾
happydazenews OP t1_iyyxpy6 wrote
Reply to comment by 500Milez in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Glad to help!
happydazenews OP t1_iz1vdgm wrote
Reply to comment by InevitablePeanuts in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Not currently but I will add it to the to- do list! thank you.