happydazenews OP t1_iyyxizw wrote
Reply to comment by Octopuns in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
You are so right. I struggle with those types of "good news" stories as well. There was one I saw that stuck in my mind where the mom couldn't afford to buy her kids presents and their neighbors found out and went and bought them gifts. Like I understand the neighbors did a great thing but overall the story doesn't make me feel good.
happydazenews OP t1_iyyx7dq wrote
Reply to comment by hardtofindagoodname in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Great tip! You are totally right I am trying to diversify my articles to include a variety of different types of good news and cool stories. I will def make it more clear for people to send me ideas and news related stuff so I can make better content. For now if anyone is interested you can send me an email at happydazecontact@gmail.com
happydazenews OP t1_iyywvmn wrote
Reply to comment by relative in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Oh good eye, Sorry must have missed that one. I used a few code templates for my site where I had to go in and manually delete the google tracking which was on by default and adjust a few other things. I will my best try to remove it ASAP. I did check the site with like one of those cookie blocker add ons on chrome but it said there wasn't anything, so I'm glad you pointed it out. Thank you.
happydazenews OP t1_iyyck2q wrote
Reply to comment by poodooflinger in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Thank you!
happydazenews OP t1_iyycg5t wrote
Reply to comment by SunburyStudios in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
happydazenews OP t1_iyy6ro6 wrote
Reply to comment by S_Q_U_I_R_R_E_L_ in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
My pleasure. I appreciate the kind words.
happydazenews OP t1_iyy5o6a wrote
Reply to comment by rndname in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Its has other features like SSL Certificate and helps with some integrations like Zappier and SEO but I appreciate you telling me. I will look into alternatives.
happydazenews OP t1_iyy46lk wrote
Reply to comment by Lognn in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
I pay out of pocket for upkeep. Currently costs are:
- hosting - 40$/month
- Domain Name - 35$/year
- Stock Image Subscription - 50$/month
- Linktree - 8$/month
- Stock Video Subscription (new) - 200$/month
- Spell/Grammar Check Service - 5$/month
And you might be thinking well what's in it for me to be spending so much money for and well to be honest I was feeling a little down myself and organizing and compiling good and positive news stories has helped me lift my spirits. The roughly nine months which I have been working on this site I can unequivocally say it has improved my over all out look on the world and its given me a second wind to strive to be the best version of myself, and that is honestly priceless. Also it makes be feel good to be of some use to my community it gives me some pride/ satisfaction knowing I might be helping someone out there. someone who had the same problem as me.
In the future, if cost of upkeep continues to rise, I would consider maybe doing some merchandise to generate some revenue, but I pledge that this website will never have ads/sponsored posts or any other form of advertisement.
Ads accomplish the exact opposite than the purpose of a good news website they are annoying and irritating, and some are even designed to make you feel less than. F Ads respectfully.
happydazenews OP t1_iyy2pk0 wrote
Reply to comment by Gee_dude in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
I dont blame you. Now a days there's nothing truly free in this world, and there are companies like super trash robin hood that claim to be free and make "You" the product but this is a love project I made mainly for myself tbh because I needed a website like this ( there were similar stuff out there but nothing truly like what I envisioned). There are currently 6 people subscribed to my newsletter and over 200 who have downloaded the app. While there are some costs, since I'm sourcing most of the articles from educational sources and did all the programing myself I can run a pretty efficient ship. Lmk if you have any more specific questions and I'd be happy ( no pun intended ) to answer them.
happydazenews OP t1_iyy0irn wrote
Reply to comment by apheline in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Great idea! I didn't want it to get too cluttered but I recently got a a linktree account, so I'm thinking of putting that instead of the individual links. Thank you!
happydazenews OP t1_iyxynxg wrote
Reply to comment by AusGeno in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
That's a good question. I plan to make more content on instagram reels/ TikTok and I'm hoping I could get some more interaction through that, but currently it has only been word of mouth. I am open to suggestions!
happydazenews OP t1_iyxx7r8 wrote
Reply to comment by Bacon1884 in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
Im glad you like it!
happydazenews OP t1_iyxrv4s wrote
Reply to I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
I made a website called Happy Daze (happydaze.io) which only features positive, inspiring and good news stories. The best part about the site that it is completely advertisement free and has a high bar for quality in regards of the articles and the visuals/ ease of use. I recently posted my 100th article and wanted to commemorate it by telling reddit about it.
There is an iOS app called ( Happy Daze News) which is the same as the website but in app form. I am planning on releasing an android version ASAP. I have spent/spend a lot of money making this and on up keep ( server/domain/etc. )and would really appreciate if more people knew about it.
The website/app has absolutely no trackers/cookies of any kind and you can surf freely knowing that I am not going to collect any of your information. Same with the app no permission that are linked to you/ and no account needed to browse/ read the stories. The app has no notifications and if one wanted to receive them they would have to subscribe to the email newsletter.
The inspiration for this website/app was a personal one. I have always liked watching the news but recently I cannot seem to watch any mainstream news without becoming depressed or dejected about the current state of the world, so I focused on creating a platform that only features positive/inspiring stories with no annoying ads in an effort to create the most user friendly way to stay informed on all the good things happening in this great big world of ours. And don't be mistaken there are definitely great things happening all around us, but the big news outlets predominantly feature negative news so it can be easy to fall into that trap.
Currently, I source a lot of articles from educational sources (colleges, universities, journals, etc. ) but in the future I want to write more of them ( in house ) and create video elements to help illustrate the concepts and research in the articles. I would greatly appreciate any feedback and new ideas I could implement.
Here are some cool features of the site:
Great search functionality
Great tags to group a certain subject/category
Highlights the research article and provides easy access
Here is some of the feedback I have received already:
* a way to save articles
* swipe to like action for articles
* find a way to have more articles in the Home Screen
Thank You very much. Stay informed, and Stay Happy.
Happy Daze
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/happydazenews
happydazenews OP t1_iyyxphh wrote
Reply to comment by ilhamagh in I made a website which features positive/inspiring news stories with no ads! by happydazenews
My pleasure!