happyscrappy t1_itoo8pz wrote
Reply to comment by conanf77 in EU passes new energy consumption law effective 2023 restricting how much power an 8k TV can use. by Kingflares
That's dropping as the hardd drivers are removed from the boxes and the storage moves to the cloud.
The energy use moves to the cloud too though. It doesn't completely go away.
happyscrappy t1_itoo6v1 wrote
Reply to comment by Kingflares in EU passes new energy consumption law effective 2023 restricting how much power an 8k TV can use. by Kingflares
They already spend a lot of time regulating ACs and fridges. I dunno about ovens or microwaves. Both are already very efficient.
The people who make such regulations do have the statistics of how much energy is consumed typically using different appliances. And TVs really do add up.
happyscrappy t1_itoeqy6 wrote
Reply to comment by HerbHurtHoover in USB-C iPhone will be mandatory in Europe as EU law passes final stage by prehistoric_knight
> No, I'm relaying the general truth that the cables fall apart with a stuff breeze. You are trying to muddy the waters for some dumb reason.
No. You are relating your experiences. I am relating mine.
You suggest that you had multiple pins fall out of Lightning cable connectors. I indicate I have had none.
There's no difference here. You are not the arbiter of truth, nor do you have a platform from which to make any kind of serious shill accusation from nor claims that I am "muddying" anything.
> And its ALL lightning cables. Apple owns the patent and won't license it to anyone that would actually make a long lasting product.
Nonsense. I get most of my cables from Anker. They last longer than Apple's, insulation-wise. And as I said, I've never had a problem with the connector itself so that's no different.
> USB-C is license free. Meaning actual competition makes the cables better.
Not sure what this has to do with anything other than your fantasy about collusion to make bad cables.
happyscrappy t1_itodh0h wrote
Reply to comment by HerbHurtHoover in USB-C iPhone will be mandatory in Europe as EU law passes final stage by prehistoric_knight
Making bald accusations like that does nothing.
I related my experiences. You related yours.
I've never had a problem with a Lightning connector losing a single contact.
Apple cables shredding their insulation? Sure. I don't use Apple's C to Lightning cables much because of that (and the cost).
happyscrappy t1_itmzc2f wrote
Reply to comment by HerbHurtHoover in USB-C iPhone will be mandatory in Europe as EU law passes final stage by prehistoric_knight
Been using it the 10 years it has existed. Never had such a problem on any cable at all.
Not that I would be too concerned if I did. The socket is on a $900 device, the cable is $20. The socket being so good is what makes Lightning good.
happyscrappy t1_itm2h94 wrote
Reply to comment by yacht_boy in USB-C iPhone will be mandatory in Europe as EU law passes final stage by prehistoric_knight
I have not found it hard to find good chargers. I bought USB-C chargers from Anker like I did USB-A. And they turned out to be great. As expected.
I am concerned about port lifespan as you are. I think USB-C is a good connector, but nothing beats Lightning for ease of cleaning out pocket lint. And that center fin looks like it could break off. Lightning avoids that center fin.
happyscrappy t1_itj64zc wrote
Reply to comment by PorkyMcRib in NASA poised to break sound barrier without the sonic boom by Ssider69
And whip tails.
I wonder, is there a complete list of everything that went supersonic within the Earth's atmosphere before the X-1 did?
happyscrappy t1_itj15b8 wrote
Reply to comment by peter-doubt in NASA poised to break sound barrier without the sonic boom by Ssider69
Meteors did it before 1944 and in many places other than Germany.
happyscrappy t1_itimkkl wrote
Reply to comment by Sulla-lite in Man fatally shot after California high school football game by unknown_name
And that has what to do with what?
If I don't know that then you DO speak for 30M people?
happyscrappy t1_itijxey wrote
Reply to comment by Sulla-lite in Man fatally shot after California high school football game by unknown_name
Cali is a 30M person state. Not all residents use the same terms.
happyscrappy t1_ith9w7g wrote
Reply to comment by Chillywilly37 in Man fatally shot after California high school football game by unknown_name
Yeah. It's funny though, the article on the SJ valley says it's urbanizing. Says Bakersfield is a big-time up and coming city with multi-million dollar gated communities. I better rush out there before all the good land is taken. ;) Wikipedia should check to see if real estate agents are making edits to pages.
Certainly Chico feels different than Fresno. And in spring when Sacramento is a swamp it feels a lot different than either of them. But ending "a valley" is odd to me. I think I'm just hung up on the fact that the name is a geographic feature. It's not really all that different than classing Orange County different from Los Angeles. But since neither of those names refer to geographical features it doesn't seem as strange to me.
happyscrappy t1_ith7vrb wrote
Reply to comment by Chillywilly37 in Man fatally shot after California high school football game by unknown_name
Okay, I'll bite. Look at a terrain map. Clearly it's one big valley from Redding to the Grapevine. Why does the San Joaquin Valley officially stop just before Sacramento?
Is there a good reason or did Sacramento not want to be part of the Central Valley either?
happyscrappy t1_it83at7 wrote
This is not a Windows backdoor. It's malware people are being tricked into installing.
happyscrappy t1_itqm5ag wrote
Reply to comment by HerbHurtHoover in USB-C iPhone will be mandatory in Europe as EU law passes final stage by prehistoric_knight
This isn't a case of you speaking the God's truth and me lying.
We are both relating our experiences.
You suggest that you had multiple pins fall out of Lightning cable connectors. I indicate I have had none. I've never had a problem with the connector itself on any Lightning cable. And I've been using them since the last iPod Nano (the first one that used Lightning).