
harbison215 t1_j7j2gdf wrote

I’ve been to the green parrot in Fort Lauderdale for an eagles game and always wondered what the place was like on non eagles days, weeks, months.

A friend of mine said that his friend owns a bar in center city and a couple of browns fans asked if they could make it a browns bar for football games. He said yea and apparently there’s a browns bar in center city now and it’s been great for his business. I guess that’s how it works. There are transplants just about everywhere, so…


harbison215 t1_j6nab7l wrote

I was pulled over and ticketed for tinted windows when I was about 17, year 2000. Red Lion Rd in Northeast Philly. Maybe it’s not illegal in PA, maybe it’s not illegal in Philadelphia anymore, but it certainly used to be.

Edit: tint is most illegal in Pa

In PA, any tint on side or back windows must allow more than 70 percent of light in.

Most after market window tint is well below 70. Most popular being 20. 20 is illegal in PA.
