
haribobosses OP t1_jc4j625 wrote

To me it’s more like the jungle is different than the woodland.

Rival bacteria is precisely the point. Clearly a specific bacteria can come to dominate an armpit that never has a chance elsewhere.

I want to know why. What makes the armpit better suited than the crotch for that particular BO smell.


haribobosses t1_iy5i3ro wrote

Yeah those are horrible.

And I know all about it.

Those were widespread incidents but on par with the brutality of most colonial enterprises.

Show me the tracks they laid to ship all of a continents’ minorities to incinerate them.


haribobosses t1_iy4ql7p wrote

You really don’t know what the Holocaust was huh?

Like imagine a factory of death. Trains come in, lives turn to bodies, bodies turn to ash.

Who else ran a factory of death?

The Holocaust isn’t special because they were Jews. It was special because it was so uniquely evil to build death camps and incinerators and plan the extermination of a race from a continent.


haribobosses t1_ixvyy9h wrote

Where did all of this disagreement begin? With me saying the Holocaust sets the Nazis apart from the Japanese in terms of the atrocities they inflicted.

What are you arguing here? All wars are created equal? All genocides are interchangeable? Auschwitz is just like Nanking?


haribobosses t1_ixvro2q wrote

Nazis atrocities were worse than the Imperial Japanese, because of the unique evil of the Holocaust. The Holocaust is a unique evil in the history of the earth.

Why are you trying to take the Nazis off the hook?


haribobosses t1_ixv6xj7 wrote

>Honestly I'm not sure how a ranking system of atrocities works here but Imperial Japan should still rank pretty high on any system.

Agreed. But absent a deliberate program of mass extermination, I think the Japanese can't rank above the Nazis. Singling out the Nazis specifically for the Holocaust is to identify the unique cruelty of a program of mass killing of civilians based on race as something apart from the horrors of colonialism and the indiscriminate murder and rape of war.

>Pretty much everyone dropped some bombs on civilian targets in WW2

Here, numbers make a difference. Allied firebombings of German and Japanese cities were devastating in a way that The Blitz wasn't. 40,000 Britons died over an 8 month period of German bombing, but in Dresden 20,000 died in one night. What happened there happened in no Allied city. What the Americans did to Japan, deliberately using incendiary bombs in their mostly wooden cities, was an atrocity with few comparisons. Killing 100,000 people in a day is worse than killing 3,000. It just is. it's extermination, not intimidation.

>A quick Google of 'comfort women' can educate on how Imperial Japan created 'the largest ever case of government-sponsored human trafficking and sexual slavery in modern history'

The forced prostitution under the Japanese empire is an incomparable evil. But the coercion of poor women into prostitution during wartime did not end in Korea in 1945. After the liberation of Korea, for example, and during the Korean War, US soldiers became the new customers of the very same brothels and the very same sex workers, with the South Koreans turning a blind eye. The US more or less set up a similar "military brothel" system in Vietnam, with thousands of women, many under the age of 18, coerced, tricked, or otherwise forced into prostitution by hunger and economic hardship. I can make this comparison, but I can still say the Japanese system was far worse.


haribobosses t1_ixuycka wrote

Oh, you probably don't know that America firebombed Japanese cities. Not their factories. Not their munitions depots. Their urban centers. Why? To kill civilians. As many as 100,000 dead mostly women, children, and elderly in one day.

Everybody was ruthless in the war. The Soviets were plenty ruthless too.

But the Germans did a Holocaust. No one else did a holocaust.

So you can't make equivalences between Japan and Germany. Yes, Japan killed 15 million Chinese. Yes, the Germans killed 20 million Soviets.

But the Germans did a Holocaust. No one else did a holocaust.


haribobosses t1_ixuxi5p wrote

Yeah I know the history quite well. I’m trying to teach you something you don’t know:

The Holocaust happened.

The Japanese were ruthless. The Americans were ruthless. The Germans did A HOLOCAUST.

That was an extra evil. One MORE than the others.


haribobosses t1_ixuvdtl wrote

No. The scale doesn’t compare because the Japanese didn’t do a Holocaust.

There were no extermination camps. There is a difference between raging ruthless war + working prisoners to death vs. raging ruthless war + working prisoners to death + doing a Holocaust. 3 is worse than 2.

Do you seriously have to learn this in 2022?
