harleyspoison267 t1_itfd27c wrote
Reply to comment by dinokith in [OC] Mysyk isn’t allowed in the toilet closet. Her solution. by dinokith
My grandfather was a very old school American country dude lol. That's funny that there's tons of cats running around with the name cat, but that is quite cute 😊
harleyspoison267 t1_itfblpi wrote
Reply to comment by dinokith in [OC] Mysyk isn’t allowed in the toilet closet. Her solution. by dinokith
I love that you basically have a John Wayne cat now. When I was a kid, my dad would always insist that we should call the dog "Dog" because that's what John Wayne called his dog in some movie.
harleyspoison267 t1_itfbf34 wrote
My traumatized pittie isn't necessarily "not allowed" in the bathroom, though it's small, so I'm very glad she doesn't come in, but she's terrified of tile, so when I go into the bathroom and she's feeling clingy, she will come and lay with her paws right on the transition strip and watch me 😂 #hacks
harleyspoison267 t1_irjeooo wrote
Don't feel too bad, I was using tea tree oil shampoo after recommendation for itchy scalp and couldn't figure out what was eviscerating the skin above my eyes/eyelids. Went to a regular dermatologist who referred me to a fancy allergy dermatologist who took one look and knew exactly what the issue was. Stopped the shampoo. Never needed any fancy creams or allergy treatments after months of suffering. Felt like such an idiot. Lol
harleyspoison267 t1_ir1l7es wrote
Reply to comment by Phenotyx in TIFU By Calling My Friend's Mom A Hoe by Quinn_eth
You know, i just realized who this person is for me. My aunt/godmother. She is the sweetest woman with the patience of a saint, nursed both my grandparents (her in-laws) on their deathbeds in her own home even though they had five other children...She's definitely not perfect, but any time my mom criticizes her, i get really defensive because this woman has literally given everything she has to everyone without a second thought.
harleyspoison267 t1_ir1a27q wrote
Reply to comment by Phenotyx in TIFU By Calling My Friend's Mom A Hoe by Quinn_eth
Yeah, i love my mom, but our relationship is complicated, so I can't relate personally. My fiance was adopted as a toddler, so I think he feels he owes his mom a lot for choosing him and advocating for him when he had a lot of behavioral issues as a kid. I can understand that.
harleyspoison267 t1_ir19kkr wrote
Reply to comment by farrenkm in TIFU By Calling My Friend's Mom A Hoe by Quinn_eth
Thank you so much! We've only been together about six years, but we were long distance for most of the first half and that really forced us to grow as a couple.
harleyspoison267 t1_iqziu74 wrote
Reply to comment by harleyspoison267 in TIFU By Calling My Friend's Mom A Hoe by Quinn_eth
Awh, my first award! Thanks so much! I'm honored ☺️
harleyspoison267 t1_iqziirh wrote
Reply to TIFU By Calling My Friend's Mom A Hoe by Quinn_eth
It's possible you inadvertently hit too close to home. My fiance and I have a pretty no holds barred style of comedy with each other, including stuff like his kids, my parents, etc. BUT his mom and him were very close and she passed away many years ago which has lead to him kind of idealizing her (she was an amazing woman by all accounts tho). He does NOT find your mom jokes funny. Even stuff I would consider innocuous like saying his mom has an old lady name (she does). This is a guy who frequently tells me with a serious face he wants to divorce me, as a joke, but I can't say a word about his mom. I could be petty and make a huge deal out of it, but the reality is, he loved her a lot, he still misses her, and it's just not funny, so I don't, as a courtesy. I completely understand making an innocent mistake. I frequently shove my feet in my mouth so I get it, but I think you owe your friend a genuine, well thought out, apology. Also understand that if this was triggering, she may need time to come to you on her own terms. That's her right. I hope it works out. I know how horrible it is to lose friends because of one stupid thing because people can't be willing to set aside and forgive.
harleyspoison267 t1_itr0hca wrote
Reply to TIFU: By trying to discreetly treat a burn... on my finger by ghostredditorstempac
Yeah... Next time if your dominant hand is injured and you live with another person, suck it up and let them dress your wounds so you don't make a huge mess/do it wrong. My fiance is a bartender and gets a lot of angry cuts from using his hands and citrus juice, so some weekends i have to sit there and bandage his fingers (big, tough, ex army dude), but it's just easier to make sure they actually heal. Also, mom's did all that stuff when you were 2 and screaming so theyve got it down now that you're older, it's really NBD lol.