heili t1_j5ol85k wrote
Reply to comment by tubesweaterguru in Pennsylvania State trooper charged with oppression after gun-involved road rage incident by Jumpy-Natural4868
"Either I was so drunk and enraged that I didn't even notice shooting a hole in my own dashboard, or I'm just outright lying about it because my enormous cop ego thinks I can get away with literally anything. So six of one, half dozen of the other, I'm a piece of shit."
heili t1_j5ofbj5 wrote
Reply to comment by EvetsYenoham in Somebody tell me this is fake, please! by lutzcody
Deer like many other herbivores are opportunistic carnivores as well.
heili t1_j4qx20a wrote
Reply to comment by Extrasherman in Canton Avenue in Pittsburgh: The Steepest Street in the United States - Uncovering PA by oldschoolskater
Canton is steeper than Rialto, but a hell of a lot shorter.
heili t1_j486oud wrote
Reply to comment by isaiajk98 in Hunter won’t face charges for killing dog in Berks County by narkj
She shot, skinned and posed for Facebook with a six month old husky puppy. That is not someone who should be hunting.
heili t1_j486dt5 wrote
Reply to comment by SH01-DD in Hunter won’t face charges for killing dog in Berks County by narkj
I had my dog on a trail, leashed, wearing a harness and orange vest and had an complete dipshit tell me he thought she was a bear.
If you're going to hunt, you need to be certain of what you're shooting at, which unfortunately it seems like there are far too many morons who can't tell what a dog is.
heili t1_j1s7w15 wrote
heili t1_j1s4lir wrote
heili t1_j0qux0o wrote
Reply to Winter driving in PA all seasons vs Snow tires. What do you have and why? by RemoteStatement
I run 3PMS tires on my Wrangler. Have not had a reason to use something different in the winter.
heili t1_j0h8dgo wrote
Reply to comment by nowordsleft in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
Yeah this guy, if his car is really doing what he says it is, he needs to take it to the shop because he has an electrical problem. He actually thinks that the "Auto" setting for headlights will turn the DRLs on and not the taillights when it's dark.
Which is full on asinine and completely contrary to the meaning of DRL which are Daytime Running Lights. He somehow thinks they have wired all but a few very expensive luxury cars so that the "Auto" headlights feature turns the front lights on when it's dark, but not the rear ones.
heili t1_j0h65cd wrote
Reply to comment by nowordsleft in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
I even showed him an instructional video for the Jeep showing how to use the auto headlights and he still insists that it won't also turn the taillights on.
heili t1_j0h5xcg wrote
Reply to comment by nowordsleft in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
The DRLs on my old car were bright enough that it was possible to not notice if I hadn't turned my headlights on.
Now I have the auto feature so they're turned on for me. They will also automatically turn on if the wipers are on (even on intermittent).
heili t1_j0h5esg wrote
Reply to comment by nowordsleft in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
This guy does not understand even the most basic thing about how a car works.
heili t1_j0h56a9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
You are actually an idiot.
Taillights do not come on with DRLs. The DRLs are activated when the ignition is on, the parking brake is off, and the headlights are off.
Taillights do come on any time the headlights do regardless of whether those headlights are automatically or manually switched on.
heili t1_j0gzgex wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
Here's a handy instructional video for how to use the automatic headlights on a Jeep Wrangler:
There is no separate control for taillights, and these are not DRLs.
heili t1_j0gv4px wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
They do.
heili t1_j0gu288 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
TIL my Jeep Wrangler is a "luxury brand".
heili t1_j0gtuvx wrote
Reply to Day running lights aren’t “automatic” lights. You still need to turn your lights on in the rain. by [deleted]
"But I can see just fine."
That is irrelevant. The lights are so that other people can see you.
heili t1_j078os0 wrote
Reply to Good local whiskey not wiggle. by matty_m
Liberty Pole.
heili t1_izeol1s wrote
Reply to comment by Mor_Tearach in Fellow Pennsylvanians, we must join our neighbors from r/Maryland to defend our territory from the Delawarean scourge! by MPA_Dad
Parts of it were Virginia until an agreement in 1779 that extended the Mason-Dixon line to a fixed point 5 degrees west of the Delaware River and drew Pennsylvania's western border as a true north-south straight line rather than a tracing of the course of the Delaware. This was done to compensate Pennsylvania for territory that it ceded between the Mason-Dixon line and the 39th parallel.
heili t1_iyt4gyu wrote
Reply to comment by heeroguy in Do I have to turn in my license plate after selling my car? by -jacksmack-
The license plate collection bureau will not show up at your house or anything.
heili t1_iy0pd7o wrote
What is "very little" in gallons? What's the minimum usage and the billing period?
heili t1_ixlzi6l wrote
Reply to Popular Hiking Spots Around Pittsburgh? by jbartyy04
Moraine and McConnells Mill have great trails. North Country Trail from the Ohio state line to Darlington (check out Indian Rock). Frick Park, Settler's Cabin (gets really muddy) and Harrison Hills Park are also good. Rachel Carson trail has very challenging terrain. Raccoon Creek and Brady's Run are also pretty nice and have opportunities to get elevation gain.
heili t1_ixey1mw wrote
Reply to comment by CltAltAcctDel in most Pennsylvania things that happen to me is somewhat recent times by Golden_Bee_Moth
I think they all were like that. And it never had a bank name on it. Just MAC.
heili t1_ixe7gac wrote
Reply to comment by CltAltAcctDel in most Pennsylvania things that happen to me is somewhat recent times by Golden_Bee_Moth
MAC was in white and there was a rainbow on the left side of the M.
heili t1_j6i2822 wrote
Reply to comment by o_c_d in Newspaper headline from 37 years ago today by 1029Dash
The rubber o-rings weren't "poorly built", they were launching well outside the design parameters for temperature. Roger Boisjoly and other Thiokol engineers tried to warn them, but Thiokol management overruled them because they didn't want a huge publicity event to turn into yet another scrubbed launch.
The engineers knew in 1977 it wasn't safe to operate at those cold temperatures. Management of Thiokol and NASA didn't give a shit because they wanted their "Teacher in Space" moment. And they killed seven people.