
herbw t1_iy3u5tn wrote

To make a long story short, the inevitable fall of the corrupt , evil and inefficient USSR, extended to their vassal states.

Look at the Ceauscescu's as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolae_Ceau%C8%99escu

Then the remnants of Serbia's Slob-odan Milosevic gov, ended up the same way. Kosovo's genocide his last aberrancy of a totally evil and corrupt system.


herbw t1_iy3s04o wrote

The greatest advances in human longevities came with good public health laws, Vaccines and antibiotics. As we see today with Covid Vaxes....

We now live TWICE as long as the average person in 1910. And we have few doubts that given medical advances coming in only 50 yrs. that will double again.

Many children alive today may well live to be 150. The effects on social security will be remarkable.

And then all that silly doom and gloom. We have more nonagenarians alive at present that EVER before in human history, as a consequence. And many of them fully functional, too.

Fully six of my parents' bros. and sis' lived to be in their 90's. Many of us now have 25 more yrs. to "mingle " with the female population.....

And the effects of collecting that much info, wisdom and experiences will be remarkable, too.


herbw t1_iy3rlxi wrote


herbw t1_iw86oc4 wrote

bs. WE DO what Singapore does and we get what Deng Hsaio Ping did , and returned prosperity to Chung Hua's ruinous maoist Practices.

Get rid of the rampant spending, get rid of ruinous damage to energy supplies, get rid or green rules which collapse the market efficiencies and watch the economy roar back from cheap energy; and elimination of command economy, greeny, marxist rules which ALWAYS create inefficiencies.

The ways into high inflation costs, too high for energy was obvious. So are the ways back to prosperities.

Nations are ruined by bad decisions and they grow by good policies. The madia of course is nutso anti-free markets and so of course, the whole thing ruins them.

cali, oregon, WA state, NYC and places round there have bad economies. High crime, high energy costs, food costs, etc.

In FL, TX, Alberta , CAN, they have low cost energy, and high prosperities. Drive South. Thank you, suzie boggess.



herbw t1_iw855rx wrote

Morgan's timely and very large loans interventions, are generally creditted with substantially lessening the severity of the 1907 panic & providing solvency andfrecovery. That's why the coinage of 1909, VDB Pennies made them rarer.

IN almost every case, coin rarities from major economic down turns, such as the 1932 penny rarity, were due to economic troubles.


herbw t1_ivqid52 wrote

Homo genus, but NOT us, modern man, H. sapiens sapiens. We are not that old. Cro-magnon is older but a close chain, likely big pieces of those in our genomes, too.


herbw t1_ivqgh66 wrote

forbes is not an anthropological mag. OK?

Modern humans arose about 100-125K yrs ago in east africa. before that it was H. erectus which is NOT modern man. OK, they are considered in the Homo Genus with modern humans. That's the big error they are committin there.

Homo neanderthalensis would be modern human by their criteria those been extinct for 10K's of years.

It's basic biology. H. sapiens sapiens. Forbes does NOT make the clear use biological definition clear, either

Humans with our high social forms and intellectual characsteristics are about 10-20K yrs old. but as we cannot tell intellectual linguistic prowess but by stone age tools and bones, we estimate the first humans most like us, physically, came about 100-125K yrs ago. Cro-magnan is older than we too, but a side chain as well.

It's anthropology, NOT Forbes business news specialty, either.


herbw t1_ivos3r5 wrote

Fine, then yer cherry picking the data. Violation of the comprensiveness rule. Modern humans are about 100K yrs old, or so. The data in east AFrica bone finds show that, very likely. Our ancestors go back 3 billions years. H. erectus was about that old over 100K to 300K yrs. . but not entirely human.

Our cortical cell columns are better than erectus. Closer to cro-magnon. Nor has human evolution stopped. Our continuing techno capabilities shows that. Follow tools making from the stone age, to present tech. Humans are getting smarter. That's been going on for 100K's of years in us and our ancestors. Our cortical cell columns, where the info processin goes on, are more efficient and more of them than our ancestors, even 10K yrs. ago.

How do our brains create information? Why has THAT question not been widely asked? Answering that deep question shows how, the brain processors create creativities. Where creativity likely comes from in brain. Structure/function general model in biology, and most tech, t00 Here's now it's done.


Please fill in the details on mankind's likely descendancy to a more complete form.


herbw t1_ivjpx3c wrote

Wrong there, too, as we as a species have been around for ca. 100K yrs, by the bone evidences. Altho our ancestors have been around for billions of years. Just look at the mitochondria.

Well, we learn to accept the reality of the facts we ALL got here by copulation, or fkn in the parlance, and we get here by being born. Refusal to face truths is ever a serious problem for our species. Because denial --->>> delusions. & ignoring reality. Frankly workin in OB was one of the best times I had in Medicine. Happiest place in the Hospital. New life, new babies. The future or our species just there.


herbw t1_ivjp1lu wrote

AKA reality testing. Rather not au current round here,

Prognosis, is a medical term, OMG!! "Magine that!! The outcomes of what we do are often medical outcomes, too. Being biological beings in every way, medical info is needed to survive. Shock of shocks!!


herbw t1_ivfwzgx wrote

sorry, the events of biology and medicine doesn't work that way. There may be scarring , and if on cortex cause seizures, and create permanent disabilities, but it's not necessarily lethal at once.


herbw t1_ivds1v8 wrote

No, those are open spaces between the bones, called fontanelles. and they close over as the babe grows.

That is a serious defect in babies' anatomies. they can be very easily killed or seriously injured because the brain is not there covered and protected by bone.


herbw t1_ivdpxm8 wrote

There is not the slightest evidence that for less than 1 MYs. humans ancestors lived in trees. we walked on the ground and our hip joints and that kind of sgtructure shows we walked upright from H. erectus onwards.

I dnno where the ignorant blather that human ancestors lived in trees came from, but it has absolutely NOT any empirical anthropology or facts, that our near human ancestors did anything but walk on legs on the ground.