herbw t1_iyf20f3 wrote
Reply to comment by lorddoa in TIL The inventor of the television was a 15 year old farm boy who got the idea for scanning an image in rows from the back and forth motion of plowing a field. by chapstickninja
It's NOT a point of view which counts. But the Rules which are empirically true and useful as they r/o, r/in useful ways of doing things. One trivial fact, for instance is hardly the equivalent of knowin that a certain brand of food is, like Spam, so high in cholesterol you can die from it. Or read a reliable article which showed a certain medical treatment was withdrawn because was not effective or in fact lethal.
As always Quality of info counts. Not POV from an unknown.
Quality of info counts. How often and useful, least energy, for instance, is it?
POV are NOt relevant issues.
herbw t1_iyex0vp wrote
Reply to comment by marfaxa in TIL love is as strong as illegal drugs. When you fall in love the same part of your brain is stimulated as when you take mind-altering substances like cocaine. by Canes-Venaticii
HOW many ER visits will you survive? Or just DOA.....
herbw t1_iyews9a wrote
Reply to comment by buddyravage in TIL love is as strong as illegal drugs. When you fall in love the same part of your brain is stimulated as when you take mind-altering substances like cocaine. by Canes-Venaticii
Or in ANY way empirically, logically, or medically equivalent. The false analogy, Identity, IOW.
But it's TIL!! Yer thinkin it actually is but like rest of Youtube other than 90-95% dubious?
herbw t1_iyewcpo wrote
Reply to comment by RangeWilson in TIL love is as strong as illegal drugs. When you fall in love the same part of your brain is stimulated as when you take mind-altering substances like cocaine. by Canes-Venaticii
It's the sex mostly. Esp. for those of us with very short refractory times. Unless yer got a bad heart, can't die of that either.
Died and gone to heaven, maybe, metaphorically.
herbw t1_iyew344 wrote
Reply to comment by YumericanPryde in TIL love is as strong as illegal drugs. When you fall in love the same part of your brain is stimulated as when you take mind-altering substances like cocaine. by Canes-Venaticii
HMM. ALL that cholesterol/FFAcids act like a Steak thru yer heart.
herbw t1_iyev353 wrote
Reply to TIL love is as strong as illegal drugs. When you fall in love the same part of your brain is stimulated as when you take mind-altering substances like cocaine. by Canes-Venaticii
BS. Sex is way different than the neurochemical releasers in drugs.
First of all contact in sex with another human being releases WAY more endorfins, DA , Oxytocin (for pair bonding) and much else. Also the effects of those are naturally released are rarely over 20'. & pair bonding is a very, very important human activity. And so the toxic effects of natural endorfins and other neurochemicals is avoided.
Funny how drug users always seem to miss the clear cut downsides, such as permanent brain damage, lung damage, and other often lethal substance effects.
Ya can't die from love of itself, either, nor the beneficial effects of same.
Equatin love with drugs is like saying antibiotics are equal in value to opiates.
Now watch the downvotes measure the drug users here!! That will give us a VIP measure, is not?
herbw t1_iyesngt wrote
Reply to comment by bastele in TIL The inventor of the television was a 15 year old farm boy who got the idea for scanning an image in rows from the back and forth motion of plowing a field. by chapstickninja
Zactly! And when's the time you saw a raster on the large screen TV's we most commonly use today?!!!
herbw t1_iyesfin wrote
herbw t1_iyes6qg wrote
Reply to comment by ramriot in TIL The inventor of the television was a 15 year old farm boy who got the idea for scanning an image in rows from the back and forth motion of plowing a field. by chapstickninja
Sorry you can't logically nor empirically do that to Edison. He showed it was possible and so then created a market for those. AND then they were improved because the markets made more efficient methods possible.
So you'd deny him the electric light because we use fluorescent lights & light diodes today? And tungsten filaments?
Preposterous!! Reductio ad absurdum refutations.
herbw t1_iyerhdt wrote
Reply to comment by deandean1125 in TIL The inventor of the television was a 15 year old farm boy who got the idea for scanning an image in rows from the back and forth motion of plowing a field. by chapstickninja
Actually, spinning discs cost lots more time and energy, wear and tear, than magnetically creating a faster raster system. And it could create an image which was not so much jumpin about and had faster speeds of scannin possible. It got rid of that old jumping about images found in older, moving motion pictures, too.
Because rasters were the best form, Baird was early but not a good solution. Being there with the Wright flying machine counts, but it wasn't the form Bleriot made, which was the modern propeller aircraft. Engine in front, rudder in back & flaps for turning. No need for wing warping turns, either.
Being first is good , but being efficient AND first is better. As the WRights adopted Bleriot's Aircraft structures by the 1920's.
herbw t1_iyeq859 wrote
Reply to TIL The inventor of the television was a 15 year old farm boy who got the idea for scanning an image in rows from the back and forth motion of plowing a field. by chapstickninja
That's called in ancient Gteek, who wrote and read that way, "boustrophedon" How the ox plows. Reading from Left to right and then joggin eyes back left to read to the right is stupid for 2 reasons.
First of all, we are RIGHT visual field dominant in 95%. So we should start reading from the R to L as most languages do, including Nihon and Hebrew. Next we should read boustrophedon for even more speed.
Sadly, it's based upon dreadful "that's how we do it" rather than empirical reason.
Same problems with driving. Brits and many in UK & CW drive L side of road. Head on collisions are high speed and we attend to and avoid those best, driving on the Left.
That too is a real problem.
Many of our arbitrary customs are similarly flawed and not in our best interests. no one bothered to think.
herbw t1_iy6ove2 wrote
Reply to comment by Bierbart12 in TIL that 25% of all known animal species are beetles by [deleted]
Bacteria live off and on us. We don't live on them.
Let's be clear about colon bacteria, they are longer living and hardier than we are. Long after humans are gone, the bacteria will still rule earth. As they have for billions of years.
We will carry them into space and they will survive us on our habitats and the planets, there, too. Billions of years old, they will outlast us as they have already.
The lowly chloroplasts and MC also will, too. We are just the ways their nutrients are recycled, and increased.
herbw t1_iy6onzw wrote
Reply to comment by underthegod in TIL that 25% of all known animal species are beetles by [deleted]
Coleoptera-phile, please.
herbw t1_iy6okm1 wrote
Reply to comment by no_step in TIL that 25% of all known animal species are beetles by [deleted]
And not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it's stranger than we CAN imagine.
The brain isn't that big or good at info storing or processing .Too small.
herbw t1_iy6oax0 wrote
Reply to comment by Envenger in TIL that 25% of all known animal species are beetles by [deleted]
It's Captain Nema-toad to you!!!
Sails on the Naughty Louse.
herbw t1_iy6o6jf wrote
And not space faring so will eventually go extinct.
herbw t1_iy6lbj2 wrote
Reply to comment by sylvesterkun in TIL about the Javan Rhinoceros. A critically endangered species of rhino. Currently there are about 76 Javan rhinos surviving in just one country, Indonesia. by MightGuy420x
Most all of the world's rhinos are in Indonesia. Sumatra bornea (few #'s), the SE asian population are too few to propagate.
african population rapidly dying out as rhino horns believed by too many to be as good as Viagra. I don't think you really have a full picture of the rhinos going rapidly into extinction from human pressures. The current small herds are the last, outside of zoos, and those fail due to inbreeding.
herbw t1_iy50t4k wrote
Reply to comment by AntheaBrainhooke in TIL about the Javan Rhinoceros. A critically endangered species of rhino. Currently there are about 76 Javan rhinos surviving in just one country, Indonesia. by MightGuy420x
Narrow tunnel vision as usual.
herbw t1_iy4zeoz wrote
Reply to TIL that FIFA is a French abbreviation, it would be IFAF in English, and England weren't an original member despite creating the game. FIFA also now has more members than the UN by BXCellent
well, Fifi was their pet poodle, thus.......
herbw t1_iy4rk9r wrote
Reply to TIL about the Javan Rhinoceros. A critically endangered species of rhino. Currently there are about 76 Javan rhinos surviving in just one country, Indonesia. by MightGuy420x
Sumatra and Borneo have lots of rhinos. Try to be more complete in your posts.
herbw t1_iy4p5gl wrote
Reply to comment by spaghettiputs in TIL that when it's really cold, Chicago sets its railroad tracks on fire to ensure that trains will be able to run properly and get to their destinations on time by leebruce2
'cept for the crime rates.
And two things are over rated: Sex and Johns Hopkins. Some might be not sure about sex.
herbw t1_iy4owb7 wrote
Reply to comment by DividedState in TIL that when it's really cold, Chicago sets its railroad tracks on fire to ensure that trains will be able to run properly and get to their destinations on time by leebruce2
Ever heard of the ELL? The elevated rails there.
herbw t1_iy4k2pd wrote
Reply to comment by litux in TIL that a month before the fall of the Berlin Wall, East Germany's government attempted to order an arrest of about 86,000 people by COMPUTER1313
Not citing the facts is also not a reason.
herbw t1_iy4jwqj wrote
Reply to comment by BlueEyedRage in TIL after her death, Mercy Brown's heart and liver were burned and the ashes mixed into a tonic that was given to her sick brother to drink. Her father believed that she was a vampire and that the tonic would cure the brother of tuberculosis. It didn't; he died two months later. by NightVisible3767
Mentioned pleasant interactions with women. If some think that's porn, they need to get a life.
herbw t1_iz6o0sf wrote
Reply to TIL "The Twelve Days of Christmas" STARTS on Christmas Day, and ends of January 5th (Three Kings Day). by HauntedHippie
Considering that Xmas is in winter, and that NO shepherds take their sheep out in the depths of winter, the whole thing is beyond mad.
Summers, yes. Later summer, possible.
Same with Easter, both of them solar celebrations. X-mas, winter solstice, shortest day of winter, there abouts.
Easter, equinox, and figured on a Paschal, lunar month calendar? More BS. Summer within a month of so, likely. Guess they didn't know that, either so Easter moves around.
Next stars do NOT come to rest over a village, much less a larger city. The whole of the stars, as the earth turns on axis, moves from West to East in a regular way.
Thus if it was over Bethlehem, it would soon NOT be a few hours later. NO stars EVER come to rest, as the earth is in constant motion on its axis and on its elliptical orbit about the sun.
The whole pagan dating of Easter and Xmas are made to pre-empt the older pagan dating systems. The priests rewrote it. Since most of Jeshua's disciples knew him and his family, is it likely there were ignorant of his birthday?
No. but where is that stated in Matt, Mark, Luc and John? EREWHON. and you think that it's not funny?
So Satan took Jeshua up on the highest Mtn. one earth, where they could see all the kingdoms or earth.
Yeah, right. Pliny knew the earth was round. highest mtn. meant needing O2 breathers and very, very warm clothing And how did they get up here, quantum teleportation?
No matter how high we go up, we cannot, on a round earth, see over the horizon. NOR all the kingdoms of the earth.
so, get real, come back to reality and adjust your Holy books before you get in worse trouble, than it took the Holy SEE to apologize to Galileo, 400 years.!!